  early buyout 提前买断
  early termination 提前结束
  earnings before minority interest 少数权益前收益
  earnings pattern 收益模型
  EBO (early buyout)提前买断
  economic benefits 经济利益
  economic climate 经济气候
  economic life 经济寿命
  economic ownership 经济上的所有权
  education 教育
  effective date 生效日
  effective ownership 有效的所有权
  effective waiver of defenses(对)抗辩的有效放弃
  effectiveness 有效性
  electronic mail 电子邮件
  eligibility 合格性
  embedded 嵌入
  emerging lease markets 新兴租赁市场
  employee benefit plans 雇员福利计划
  enactment 实施
  encumbrance 留置权
  end-of-term consequences 期末结果
  end-of-term process 期末程序
  ends up 倒闭
  end-users 最终用户
  enforceable 强制性的
  enforcing remedies 实施补救
  engine 发动机
  enhanced equipment trust certificate 增级的设备信托证书
  enter into force 生效
  entitlement 权利资格
  Environmental Liability Act(德国)环境责任法
  EPS(earning per share)每股收益率
  equalizing 等量化
  equipment cost 设备成本
  equipment defects 设备瑕疵
  equipment identification 设备认定
  equipment leasing industry 设备租赁业
  equipment risk allocation and management 设备风险的分担及管理
  Equipment Schedule 设备清单
  equitable owner 衡平法上的所有权人
  equity capital 权益资本
  equity contribution 权益出资
  equity in net loss of invests 投资净损失中的权益
  equity insertion 权益嵌入(指经营租赁的出租人在购置用于租赁的货物时要更
  equity investor 权益投资人
  equity securities 权益证券
  ERISA( Employee Retirement Income and Security Act)(美国)雇员退休收
  escalation clauses 自动调整条款
  essential use 实质性使用
  estimated remaining period 估计的剩余期间
  estimated residual 估计的余值
  estimates 估计
  ETO(early termination option)(对)提前结束(的)任择权
  evolution 演变
  excess cash 过剩现金
  excess deduction 超额扣减
  exchange 交换
  excise tax 许可证税
  exclusive remarketing firms(只处置某类设备的)专业性再处置公司
  executory cost 执行成本
  exempt assets 免税资产
  exempt entity 免税机构
  exercisable 可行使的
  exercise price 行使(某项权利,例如购买任择权时的)价格
  exhaustion 损耗
  EXIM bank(美国)进出口银行
  expenditure 开支
  expertise 专长
  expiration of the initial lease term 初始租赁期限的届满
  exposure to residual asset value 所承担的资产残值风险
  express warranty 明示的担保
  extended retention of possession 对占有的延伸提留
  extension 延期
  external reporting risk 财务报告引起的外部风险