  face value 面值
  factoring company 代理融通公司
  fair market value leases 公允市值租赁(指租金按租赁市场的常见数额来确定)
  fair market value transactions 公允市值交易
  fair value 公允价值
  fair wear and tear 合理磨损
  FASB(Federal Accounting Standards Board) 13(美国)财务会计标准委员会第
  13 号说明:租赁
  FASIT (financial asset securitization investment trust)金融资产证券化投资信托
  fatal illness 绝症
  features 装置
  federal income tax 联邦所得税
  Federal Tax Court(德国)联邦税务法庭
  federally guaranteed mortgage 联邦保证抵押
  fee receivable 应收费
  fee subordination 附加费
  fee-based financing services 以收费为基础的融资服备
  Felalease 拉美租赁协会
  fiber optics 光纤
  fiduciary responsibilities 受托责任
  filing 备案
  finance and other income 财务及其它收入
  finance charges 财务费用
  finance companies 金融公司、财务公司
  finance lease laws 融资租赁法律
  finance lease 融资租赁协议
  financial assets 金融资产
  financial bottom line 财务底线
  financial components 财务成份
  financial distortion 财务失真
  financial institution 金融机构
  financial instruments 金融证书,金融工具
  financial leasing transaction 融资租赁交易
  financial leasing 融资租赁
  financial lessor 融资出租人
  financial performance 财务业绩
  financial ratios 财务比率
  financial reality 财务现实
  financial reporting risk(因财务失真所导致的)财务报告风险
  financial statement appearance 资产负债表的表现
  financial terms 融资条件
  financiers 融资人
  financing source 融资来源
  finding 认定
  firm term 确定的条款
  first amendment leases 首期更改租赁协议
  five different <I>frame</I>works(作为租赁交易宏观环境的)五个不同的框架
  fixed investment trust 固定投资信托
  fixed purchase option 固定价格购买任择权
  fixed rate 固定利率
  fixed wire 有线(通信)
  fixture filing 固定备案
  flexibility 灵活性
  floating lease accrued interest receivable 浮动租赁应计的应收利息
  fluctuation 波动
  FMRV(fair market rental value)公允的租金市值
  footnote disclosure 通过附注披露
  foreclosure disposition 扣押抵债处置
  foreclosure 了结抵押(抵押权人按规定拍卖抵押物以受偿)
  forklift 叉车
  form report 格式报告
  forward rate agreement 远期利率协议
  forward start swaps 远期掉期
  four criteria(区别融资租赁和经营租赁的)四项标准
  fractional interest 零散权益
  franchise 特许权
  fraud 欺诈
  free standing derivative instruments 自力支撑的衍生工具
  from cradle to grave 从摇篮到坟墓(指自始至终全程服务)
  front-end payment 前端支付
  FSL(full-service lease)全程服务租赁
  fuel use tax 燃料使用税
  full commitment 全额承诺
  full disclosure 充分披露
  full-payout versus non-full-payout 全额支付还是非全额支付
  full-payout 全额支付
  full-service lease 全套服务租赁
  fund appropriation 拨款
  fund risk 筹资风险
  funding resources 筹资渠道
  funding risk 筹资风险
  furnish 供应
  future cash flow 未来的现金流
  future lease payment 未来租赁付款