FRM Study Guide - This freely available document is an absolute must-read for anyone considering sitting for the FRM Exam. It outlines the topics and core readings covered in the FRM Exam Part I and II. Readings are selected by the FRM Committee every year as being representative of the theories and concepts utilized by risk management professionals as they address current issues.
  AIM Statement FRM Exam Part I & Part II - Freely available to paid 2011 FRM candidates, the AIM Statement address each subtopic set out in the study guide and helps candidates identify specific concepts they should understand from the recommended readings.
  FRM Part 1 Books (Complete set of 4 individual books): US $250 (member price) plus shipping
  · Contains all FRM Part 1 Readings in 4 Books
  · Foundations of Risk Management
  · Quantitative Analysis
  · Financial Markets and Products
  · Valuation and Risk Models
  · Complete set (all 4 books): US $250 (member price) plus shipping
  FRM Exam Part II Course Pack Readings (Vol I & Vol II)
  · Electronic only version - US $300.00 (member price)
  Important Notice: .
  · The electronic version of the FRM Part II Course Pack Readings are encrypted as a Lock Lizard PDF file*. The articles can be viewed via the web but if you want to download an electronic copy, you will need to download the Lock Lizard license to register your computer. Once your computer is registered, the files can only be accessed from the same computer with a limit of two prints.
  * These files cannot be downloaded to any e-books, at this time.