青海同学对于9月即将举行的HKICPA香港注册会计师ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING的WORKSHOP是否了解?!不了解也没关系,跟随高顿网校小编来一探究竟吧!
  Workshop on the new Companies Ordinance – implications on financial reporting (13 September 2014)
  The new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) has become effective since 3 March 2014, bringing with it new concepts such as the abolition of par value and disclosure requirements that may have far-reaching accounting implications. This half-day workshop covers mainly the requirements of the new Companies Ordinance that has accounting implications. Topics include:
  Abolition of the par value of shares and its accounting implications
  Accounting treatment for reduction of share capital, share redemption or share buy-back
  Arrangements, amalgamation and compulsory share acquisition in takeover and share buy-back
  Financial statements disclosures
  Directors' report – Business review

  宗教李郑屋汉墓是1955年政府在李郑屋村夷平山坡,兴建徙置大厦时发现的。从墓室的形制、墓砖铭纹及出土文物等推断,该墓应建于东汉时期,即公元25年至 220年。1988年李郑屋汉墓被列为法定古迹,得以永久保存。为了稳定汉墓内部的湿度和温度,减缓墓室的损耗,墓室不对外开放,但观众可以透过装嵌在羡 道门口的玻璃,窥探古墓的内貌。