Exposure Draft ED33: Cross Practice Standard on Applying Standards
  The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) has launched a consultation on the proposed introduction of a mandatory Actuarial Profession Standard (APS) and a supporting Guide in relation to applying standards.
  Consultation meetings
  Members and interested stakeholders are encouraged to attend one or other of the following two consultation meetings to discuss and comment on these proposals:
  5 June at Maclaurin House, 18 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3PP, from 17.00.  Refreshments will be served from 16.30.
  23 June at Staple Inn, High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QJ, from 17.00.  Refreshments will be served from 16.30.
  Please inform Karen Cross by email if you are planning to attend either of these meetings.
  Download the full consultation package, or the individual documents, below:
  full consultation package;
  consultation paper;
  draft APS;
  draft Guide.
  Feedback should be given via an online questionnaire or you can complete a Word version of the questionnaire if you prefer.
  The deadline for response is 21 August 2014.