Letters from America
  The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that the American Academy of Actuaries President, Tom Terry, is leading last month's Contingencies magazine with the news that the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries is launching the Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) this year; the headline - "Keeping up with the Brits."
  We see the CAA as an internationally recognised qualification that applies actuarial science to technical roles, professionalising and regulating individuals with the CAA.  In so doing the CAA benefits the career of the individual, the reputation of employers and by improving professional standards also benefits the public at large.   So it was nice to note that Tom sees this too. In his own words; "“So, my thanks to our good friends in the UK. Your new initiative will resonant with many here in the United States. It does with me.”
  Read "Keeping up with the Brits" here.
  Derek Cribb
  Chief Executive
  Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
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