  The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is the UK's only chartered professional body dedicated to educating, developing and regulating actuaries based both in the UK and internationally. With over 25,000 members, we represent and regulate our members for the benefit of the outside world and oversee their education at all stages of qualification and development throughout their careers.
  As a Learned Society, the IFoA has around 100 research initiatives, undertaken by its members or commissioned through third parties, and publishes two journals – the British Actuarial Journal and the Annals of Actuarial Science.
  Research and Thought Leadership Committee - Chair
  Reporting to the IFoA’s Council, the main purpose of the Research and Thought Leadership Committee (RTLC) is to support the IFoA’s objective of advancing all matters relevant to actuarial science.
  With representation from across the IFoA’s practice areas, the RTLC has recently been established to ensure that there is appropriate research coverage, including identification of any gaps, and strategic direction. It also seeks to ensure that research delivered is of an adequate quality and is disseminated effectively.  It provides a focal point for ensuring that research funding and resources are allocated appropriately.
  The IFoA is seeking to appoint an independent chair to the RTLC to bring an external perspective and help drive the work of this senior committee.  The role will involve active involvement in quarterly RTLC meetings and, from time to time, provide input to other key meetings.
  The time commitment is expected to be around 30 days per year, with remuneration of ?950 per day.  The appointment would be for an initial three year term.
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