  17. The length of time, in years, that a person will remember an actuarial statistic is modeled by
  an exponential distribution with mean 1
  Y . In a certain population, Y has a gamma
  distribution with 2 α θ = = .
  Calculate the probability that a person drawn at random from this population will remember
  an actuarial statistic less than 1
  2 year.
  (A) 0.125
  (B) 0.250
  (C) 0.500
  (D) 0.750
  (E) 0.875
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -18- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  18. In a CCRC, residents start each month in one of the following three states: Independent
  Living (State #1), Temporarily in a Health Center (State #2) or Permanently in a Health
  Center (State #3). Transitions between states occur at the end of the month.
  If a resident receives physical therapy, the number of sessions that the resident receives in a
  month has a geometric distribution with a mean which depends on the state in which the
  resident begins the month. The numbers of sessions received are independent. The number
  in each state at the beginning of a given month, the probability of needing physical therapy in
  the month, and the mean number of sessions received for residents receiving therapy are
  displayed in the following table:
  State # Number in
  Probability of
  needing therapy
  Mean number
  of visits
  1 400 0.2 2
  2 300 0.5 15
  3 200 0.3 9
  Using the normal approximation for the aggregate distribution, calculate the probability that
  more than 3000 physical therapy sessions will be required for the given month.
  (A) 0.21
  (B) 0.27
  (C) 0.34
  (D) 0.42
  (E) 0.50
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -19- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  19. In a given week, the number of projects that require you to work overtime has a geometric
  distribution with 2 β= . For each project, the distribution of the number of overtime hours in
  the week is the following:
  x ( ) f x
  5 0.2
  10 0.3
  20 0.5
  The number of projects and number of overtime hours are independent. You will get paid for
  overtime hours in excess of 15 hours in the week.
  Calculate the expected number of overtime hours for which you will get paid in the week.
  (A) 18.5
  (B) 18.8
  (C) 22.1
  (D) 26.2
  (E) 28.0
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -20- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  20. For a group of lives age x, you are given:
  (i) Each member of the group has a constant force of mortality that is drawn from the
  uniform distribution on [ ] 0.01, 0.02 .
  (ii) 0.01 δ=
  For a member selected at random from this group, calculate the actuarial present value of a
  continuous lifetime annuity of 1 per year.
  (A) 40.0
  (B) 40.5
  (C) 41.1
  (D) 41.7
  (E) 42.3
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -21- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  21. For a population whose mortality follows DeMoivre’s law, you are given:
  (i) 40:40 60:60 3 e e = ?? ??
  (ii) 20:20 60:60 e ke = ?? ??
  Calculate k.
  (A) 3.0
  (B) 3.5
  (C) 4.0
  (D) 4.5
  (E) 5.0
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -22- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  22. For an insurance on (x) and (y):
  (i) Upon the first death, the survivor receives the single benefit premium for a whole life
  insurance of 10,000 payable at the moment of death of the survivor.
  (ii) ( ) ( ) 0.06 x y t t ? ? = = while both are alive.
  (iii) ( ) 0.12 x y t ? =
  (iv) After the first death, ( ) 0.10 t ? = for the survivor.
  (v) 0.04 δ=
  Calculate the actuarial present value of this insurance on (x) and (y).
  (A) 4500
  (B) 5400
  (C) 6000
  (D) 7100
  (E) 7500
  Exam M: Fall 2005 -23- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE