  Provisions of the Draft Purchase and Sale Agreement
  The main provisions of the draft purchase and sale agreement, prepared by ABC,
  for discussion with NOC, are:
  Pension Benefits
  ?  Accrued benefits under the ABC Refinery Pension Plan will become
  the responsibility of NOC under its Full-Time Salaried Pension Plan.
  ?  ABC will transfer the ABC Refinery Pension Plan assets to the NOC
  plan, subject to regulatory approval
  ?  NOC is required to provide “substantially similar” pension benefits for
  refinery employees following the sale date.
  Post – Retirement Medical Benefits
  ?  NOC will be responsible for providing retiree medical benefits for
  refinery employees.
  ?  ABC will make a lump sum cash payment to NOC equal to the
  accounting liabilities for post-retirement medical benefits determined
  using the ABC accounting assumptions.
  Analyze the terms of the agreement and recommend revisions. Justify your
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -13- STOP
  Retirement Benefits,
  Comprehensive Segment – U.S.
  Morning Session
  All Questions pertain to the Case Study
  10. (7 points) The CEO of NOC is targeting a substantial reduction in operating expenses.
  Three alternatives are being considered:
  (i) An employee lay-off with severance benefits.
  (ii) A temporary early retirement pension enhancement.
  (iii) Phased-retirement.
  (a) Describe advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
  (b) Describe the accounting implications of each alternative.