  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 38 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  32. For an automobile insurance policy, Other Than Collision (OTC) premiums usually vary
  for all of the following EXCEPT:
  (A) Age of policyholder
  (B) Territory
  (C) Expectation as to ease of damage to vehicle
  (D) Vehicle value
  (E) Cost to repair vehicle
  33. Group supplemental life plans differ from basic group life coverage in all of the
  following ways EXCEPT:
  (A) Minimum participation limits are more liberal
  (B) Evidence of insurability is more stringent
  (C) Suicide exclusion is common
  (D) If a disability provision is included, it is usually limited to waiver of premium
  (E) Contributions are generally subsidized by the employer
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 39 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  34. In the US, a policyholder can, under certain conditions, perform all of the following
  without incurring taxable income EXCEPT:
  (A) Exchange a life insurance policy for a life insurance policy
  (B) Exchange a life insurance policy for an annuity policy
  (C) Exchange an annuity policy for an annuity policy
  (D) Exchange an annuity policy for a life insurance policy
  (E) Take a policy loan against a life insurance policy
  35. Regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), all of the
  following are true EXCEPT:
  (A) Restricts post-issue underwriting during claims adjudication process
  (B) Defines a small employer group
  (C) Requires underwriters to offer insurance to all groups regardless of
  (D) Requires HMOs to offer all major medical and comprehensive health insurance
  products on a guaranteed acceptance and renewal basis
  (E) Restricts application of pre-existing condition limitation or exclusions for
  individual employees who have had continuous coverage for more than 12
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 40 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  36. Under the traditional unit credit actuarial cost method, all of the following affect future
  normal costs EXCEPT:
  (A) aging of active employees
  (B) actual withdrawal experience
  (C) actual death experience
  (D) actual number of new employees
  (E) actual investment performance
  37. In the Accumulation Reserve method used for universal life insurance, all of the
  following can be used to amortize acquisition expenses EXCEPT:
  (A) Income from surrender charges
  (B) Premiums
  (C) Interest margins
  (D) Cost of insurance margins
  (E) Expense margins
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 41 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 42 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  38. Each of questions 38 through 40 consist of two lists. In the list at the left are two items,
  lettered X and Y. In the list at the right are three items, numbered I, II, and III. ONE of
  the lettered items is related in some way to EXACTLY TWO of the numbered items.
  Indicate the related items using the following answer code:
  Lettered Item
  Is Related to Numbered Items
  I and II only
  II and III only
  I and II only
  I and III only
  The correct answer is not given by (A), (B), (C) or (D).
  38. X. Anti-selection I. Function of the inherent degree of
  fluctuation in the benefit and in the
  volume of business
  Y. Claims volatility II. Addressed through the initial plan
  III. Limited by provisions restricting
  payment of claims
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 43 - STOP
  Morning Session
  39. X. Hazard I. Collision
  Y. Peril II. Poor wiring
  III. Dishonesty
  40. X. Variable universal life products I. Passes full investment risk to the
  Y. Unitised-with-profit products II. Uses bid/offer spread as hidden
  expense charge
  III. Uses front-en
  d loads to cover
  acquisition costs
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 44 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 45 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  Beginning With Question 9
  9. (5 points) In Canada, describe the design of extended health plans in the group market.
  10. (3 points) Describe the reasons why a plan sponsor would switch from a defined benefit
  pension plan to a defined contribution pension plan.
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 46 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  11. (5 points) You are pricing the latest version of a life insurance company’s flexible
  premium universal life (UL) product.
  With respect to the company, you are given the following:
  ?? Superior ratings from the major ratings agencies
  ?? Strong reputation in the estate planning market
  ?? Target market consists of affluent, sophisticated retirees
  ?? Average face amount on policies is significantly higher than the industry
  ?? UL sold for many years
  ?? New UL product is similar to its best-selling product
  The new product has the following features:
  First-year: 50% of first-year premium up to the target commissionable
  premium, plus 3% of first-year premium in excess of the
  target commissionable premium
  Renewal: 3% of premium in policy year 2 onwards
  Chargeback: 100% of first-year commissions for lapses in the first 3
  policy years
  Bonus refund: return of COI charges at the end of policy year 25
  Surrender charges: 15% in policy year 1, grading linearly to 0% in policy year
  (a) Describe how the information given above would influence your lapse
  rate assumption.
  (b) Describe the effect of the surrender charge on the investment risk and
  the investment strategy for this product.
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 47 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  12. (7 points) For a property and casualty insurance company, you are given the following:
  Gross premium rates In effect for 6 months
  Policy length 3 months
  Trend factors Increase at an exponential rate
  δ 0.133
  Distribution of claims Uniform
  Additional loadings:
  Commissions 0.00
  General Expenses 12.0%
  Taxes 3.5%
  Profit 4.0%
  Incurred losses for reported claims by development year
  Accident Year Development Year
  0 1 2
  2001 10,432,532 12,414,789 12,787,542
  2002 12,503,672 15,248,731
  2003 14,813,156
  No further development beyond year two.
  Accident Year
  Earned Exposure Units
  Number of Incurred
  Credibility Factor
  2001 106,454 5,569 0.0%
  2002 107,127 5,603 40.0%
  2003 107,962 5,691 60.0%
  (a) (2 points) Calculate the expected ultimate incurred losses by accident year.
  (b) (5 points) Calculate the gross premium rate that will take effect at May 1,
  COURSE 5: Fall 2004 - 48 - STOP
  Afternoon Session
  13. (5 points) With respect to group health insurance:
  (a) List the criteria that should be considered when underwriting large groups.
  (b) Indicate why these criteria are important.
  14. (5 points) Describe the considerations in group insurance financial reporting for:
  (a) Alternative funding arrangements
  (b) Administrative arrangements
  15. (5 points) In the context of U.S. insurance company solvency regulation:
  (a) Describe the role of State Guaranty Funds.
  (b) Explain the effect of reinsurance regulation.
  16. (5 points) With respect to group long term disability and group long term care insurance
  (a) Describe the features that are important when calculating claim reserves.
  (b) Describe the considerations in preparing an actual to expected (A/E) cl
  termination rate study.
  (c) Describe the steps in calculating IBNR reserves by the loss ratio method.