  tachment Point 90% of the expected annual
  attachment point
  Actual Loss Information
  Employee Months 3,000
  Total Losses $1,635,000
  Covered Losses Exceeding $100,000
  Person A $300,000
  Person B $125,000
  Person C $250,000
  You are considering two specific stop loss deductible scenarios:
  i. $100,000 (current plan)
  ii. $250,000 (alternative plan)
  (a) Explain the process for setting the expected losses and aggregate attachment
  (b) Describe aggregate stop loss underwriting considerations from the insurer’s point
  of view.
  (c) Calculate the total stop loss reimbursement for the most recent plan year under
  each specific stop loss deductible scenario. Show your work.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 -22- STOP
  Health, Group Life & Managed Care
  22. (4 points) You are the pricing actuary of ONLY Life Insurance Company. The company
  is looking into entering the Individual DI market. The V.P. of Marketing has come to
  you with the following proposed plan:
  ? Target Market Association of Physicians
  ? Underwriting Non-Cancelable
  ? Definition of
  Pure Own Occupation
  ? Premium Rate
  Unisex, varying by age
  ? Monthly Benefit Greater of: average monthly benefit over prior 12 months; or
  greatest average monthly earnings for any 2 successive years 世纪考试网版权所有
  over the prior 5 years
  ? Inflation COLA riders included with a minimum annual increase of
  6% per year
  ? Maximum Benefit Unlimited
  ? Elimination Period 1 month
  (a) Discuss each element of the proposed plan design with respect to the company’s
  exposure to risk and recommend changes to limit the company’s risk.
  (b) Discuss various factors that should be considered to ensure profitability of the
  product in today’s environment in terms of pricing, underwriting, and management.