我们高顿网校给您提供精算师考试2014年*7复习辅导——资料折扣计划申请(二),不好好看熟可会辜负我们的真诚苦心哦。  Program Details
  Examination Fees
  Approved candidates will be charged reduced examination fees. A complete fee schedule will be sent to approved candidates.
  Approved candidates may not register for more than two examinations per exam session under the discount program. Standard fees will be assessed on registrations, which exceed this limit.
  Candidates may not register for Courses 5, 6, or 8 if they have not previously written and earned credit for a minimum of three of the four Basic Education Courses, 1-4. Standard registration restrictions applicable to all candidates for Course 7 Pre-test and Course 7 also apply to discount program candidates.
  The SOA reserves the right to restrict registrations or purchases of study material.
  Study Materials
  Study notes for Courses 1-6 are available electronically at no cost to the candidate. Please see  for more information.
  Study notes for Courses 7-8 will be available at reduced prices plus the cost of shipping.
  Textbooks published by the Society of Actuaries will be available at reduced prices plus the cost of shipping.
  Approved applicants may purchase only one copy of a particular textbook or study note package.
  Approved applicants may not purchase study materials, which are pertinent to courses for which they already have credit. Similarly, approved applicants may not purchase more than one type of Course 8 study notes.
  高顿网校之名人信念:阴险的友谊虽然允许你得到一些微不足道的小惠,却要剥夺掉你的珍宝-独立思考和对真理纯洁的爱! -(俄)别林斯基