  equate retirement income and protect principal? Support your answer.
  (b) How might the asset classes differ for the participant-directed accounts in the
  (c) Identify the fiduciary risks inherent in the new plans.
  3. (8 points) You have been appointed the new actuary for the NOC Full-Time Salaried
  Pension Plan. Your first task is to prepare a funding valuation as of January 1, 2006.
  (a) Explain how you would test the census and asset data to assure it is appropriate
  for the valuation.
  (b) Evaluate the existing demographic assumptions.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 3 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Comprehensive Segment – Canada
  Morning Session
  Questions 1 – 5 pertain to the Case Study
  4. (11 points) NOC has offered an early retirement window to active participants of the
  Full-Time Hourly Union Pension Plan who are at least age 50 with 10 or more years of
  service. Employees who accept the window will receive:
  ? 5 extra years of service, for purposes of determining their accrued benefit; and
  ? 5 extra years of age, for purposes of determining their early retirement reduction
  Five hundred employees accept the early retirement window offer and retire on
  January 1, 2005.
  For the 500 employees accepting the window, you are given:
  ? ABO (prior to window) $140,000,000
  ? 2005 Service Cost (prior to window) $ 10,000,000
  ? 2005 Expected Benefit Payments (prior
  to window)
  $ 0
  ? ABO (with immediate retirement) $150,000,000
  ? ABO (with immediate retirement and
  enhanced window benefits)
  ? 2005 Expected Benefit Payments (with
  immediate retirement and enhanced
  window benefits)
  $ 17,000,000
  The expected future working years for various groups are as follows:
  ? All plan participants: 67,000
  ? All plan participants who accepted the
  early retirement wi