  23. The present value of a 25-year annuity-immediate with a first payment of 2500 and
  decreasing by 100 each year thereafter is X.
  Assuming an annual effective interest rate of 10%, calculate X.
  (A) 11,346
  (B) 13,615
  (C) 15,923
  (D) 17,396
  (E) 18,112
  November 2005 27 Course FM
  24. A 30-year bond with a par value of 1000 and 12% coupons payable quarterly
  is selling at 850.
  Calculate the annual nominal yield rate convertible quarterly.
  (A) 3.5%
  (B) 7.1%
  (C) 14.2%
  (D) 14.9%
  (E) 15.4%
  November 2005 28 Course FM
  25. The parents of three children, ages 1, 3, and 6, wish to set up a trust fund that will pay X
  to each child upon attainment of age 18, and Y to each child upon attainment of age 21.
  They will establish the trust fund with a single investment of Z.
  Which of the following is the correct equation of value for Z ?
  (A) 17 15 12 20 18 15
  X Y
  v v v v v v
  + + + +
  (B) 18 21 3 Xv Yv ? ? + ? ?
  (C) 3 20 18 15 3Xv Y v v v ? ? + + + ? ?
  20 18 15
  3 ( )v v v X Y
  + +
  (E) 17 15 12 20 18 15 X v v v Y v v v ? ? ? ? + + + + + ? ? ? ?
  November 2005 29 Course FM
  Final Answer Key
  Course FM
  November 2005
  1 D
  2 C
  3 C
  4 D
  Dropped 5
  6 A
  7 D
  8 B
  9 E
  10 C
  11 B
  12 B
  13 A
  14 B
  15 B
  16 C
  17 D
  18 D
  19 E
  20 D
  21 D
  22 B
  23 C
  24 C
  25 E