  6. (9 points) You are the group pricing actuary for Wonderful Life Insurance Company.
  You are preparing a proposal for Bailey Industries which includes an analysis of prior
  experience. You are given the data in Table BI-1b and the following assumptions:
  ? The only items causing differences in claims costs are plan design and utilization
  differences caused by plan design.
  ? The average members per contract for both the PPO and HMO plans is 2.2.
  ? Member Cost as a percentage of claims is as follows:
  Adjustment Range
  Member Cost
  Sharing Range
  Service Type % of Cost Low High Low High
  Facility 50.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 25.0%
  Professional 30.0% -5.0% 20.0% 0.0% 40.0%
  Pharmacy 20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 25.0%
  Total 100.0%
  Average Member Cost Sharing
  Service Type PPO HMO
  Facility 17.5% 0.0%
  Professional 25.0% 5.0%
  Pharmacy 18.0% 18.0%
  (a) (3 points) Describe the criteria that Wonderful Life would use to underwrite
  Bailey Industries.
  (b) (2 points) Describe the models you might use to predict selection in a multioption
  (c) (4 points) Calculate the expected change in utilization for the HMO plan using
  the member utilization cost model. Show your work.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 -7- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health, Group Life & Managed Care
  Questions 4-7 pertain to the Case Study
  7. (7 points) You are an actuary at Wonderful Life and have been asked to discuss sources
  of profit using Group 1 data as an example.
  In addition to the data in Tables MM-1, MM-2a, MM-2b, and MM-3a, assume:
  ? Single/Family manual rates for 2005 are the result of trending historical manual rates.
  ? Expenses, taxes, and investment income are expressed as the percentages from Table
  MM-1 for 2004.
  (a) Discuss major factors affecting financial results for the group line of business.
  (b) Outline the various sources of profit for group insurance.
  (c) Calculate profits by source for Group 1 for the experience period. Show your
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 -8- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health, Group Life & Managed Care
  8. (7 points) You are the consulting actuary for ACME, Inc. They are interested in offering
  a Patient Directed Healthcare Benefit (PDHB) plan with the following structure:
  Option 1
  ? Multi-plan option plus Flexible Spending Account (FSA),
  ? Employer provides core contribution, offers multiple health plan choices,
  and sets menu.
  Option 2
  ? High Deductible Plan plus FSA plus Personal Health Account (PHA),
  ? Employer provides core contribution, access to multiple high deductible
  plans, and segregated PHA’s.
  (a) Describe factors that are making consumerism a significant trend.
  (b) Compare and contrast the key dimensions of PDHB’s as they relate to the two
  options ACME is considering.
  (c) Describe the healthcare challenges that can be addressed by PDHB’s with respect
  i. Employees
  ii. Employers
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 -9- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health, Group Life & Managed Care
  9. (5 points) You are the pricing actuary for Enamel Insurance Company (EIC). EIC is
  interested in adding a dental product to its portfolio and has asked you to prepare a report
  to senior management.
  (a) Describe ways to control dental claims costs.
  (b) Describe the underwriting and rating parameters used for dental insurance.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 10 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  10. (3 points) You are the Valuation Actuary for Belt and Suspenders Health Insurance
  Company. Your company offers a variety of health products that may require a variety of
  methods for determining claim liabilities.
  (a) Describe considerations which might influence the level of conservatism targeted
  for a given block of business.
  (b) Describe approaches to introducing conservatism into each of the common
  methods used to compute claim liabilities.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 11 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Beginning with Question 11
  11. (4 points) Regarding claims practices for short term disability (STD) coverages:
  (a) Describe the tools available to challenge questionable STD claims.
  (b) Discuss methods, including the pros and cons for measuring overall STD claims
  (c) Describe the sources of information available to a claims examiner regarding STD
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 12 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment