  9. (7 points) Consider a simple sequential Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
  (CMBS) deal with the following senior/subordinated structure:
  Class Rating Average Life Size
  A-1 AAA 9.3 73.50
  A-2 AA 10.0 5.50
  A-3 A 10.0 6.00
  B-1 BBB 10.0 4.75
  B-2 BB 10.0 4.00
  B-3 B 10.0 4.00
  C Not Rated 10.0 2.25
  Loan N/A 9.5 100.00
  Collateral information:
  Debt Service
  Net Operating
  Income (NOI)
  Original 2.5 65% 6%
  Stressed 1.2 90% 10%
  ? Collateral consists of 9% coupon, non-callable, 10-year balloon, commercial
  mortgage loans with a 30-year amortization schedule.
  ? Subordinated class loss allocation: C, B-3, B-2, B-1, A-3, A-2.
  (a) Describe how your Option Adjusted Spread (OAS) valuations would change by
  rated class if the collateral weighted average DSCR and LTV ratios were to
  change over the short term from original to stressed levels.
  (b) Describe the relative impact of using the stressed NOI volatility assumption
  versus the original assumption on your OAS valuations for the B classes.
  COURSE 8: Investment - 10 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  November 2000
  Afternoon Session
  9. (Continued)
  (c) Assume the following:
  ? The collateral is made up of lower quality commercial mortgage loans that
  have prepayment penalties and are fully callable at par after five years without
  ? The most senior class is priced at a discount.
  Describe the impact of these assumptions on your OAS valuations for the most
  senior class.
  (d) (i) Explain the rationale for an issuer to use interest-only (IO) classes in a class
  (ii) Describe the sensitivity of the OAS valuation of an IO class to default losses
  and involuntary principal payments in a senior-subordinated CMBS deal.
  COURSE 8: Investment - 11 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  November 2000
  Afternoon Session
  10. (7 points) You are the portfolio manager for a United Kingdom domiciled insurance
  company. The portfolio currently has a U.S. asset of $300,000 with a volatility
  (s) of 0.02 per day.
  You have been asked to *uate an investment in a Planned Amortization Class (PAC)
  tranche of a collaterized mortgage obligation, where the mortgage collateral is residential
  mortgages originated in the U.S. The PAC security you are considering is $200,000 and
  has an asset volatility(s) of 0.015 per day.
  The two assets have a correlation factor of 30%. The change in portfolio value is
  normally distributed and asset returns have a bivariate normal distribution.
  (a) Describe the factors affecting mortgage prepayment modeling.
  (b) Describe, in general, the risks associated with political climate risk.
  (c) Describe the three distinct categories of currency hedging techniques available for
  hedging this asset.
  (d) Assess the benefit of diversification when adding this PAC security to the
  portfolio, using a 5-day, 95% VAR. Show your work.
  COURSE 8: Investment - 12 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  November 2000
  Afternoon Session
  11. (6 points) Your company has a portfolio of investment-grade bonds and mortgagebacked
  securities (MBS) with an option-adjusted duration of 4 years. The portfolio
  supports a closed block of single premium deferred annuities (SPDAs) with minimum
  rate guarantees of 5%.
  The company, using the portfolio yield method, declares the crediting interest rates
  monthly. However, the V.P. of marketing strongly recommends that the credited rate be
  based on current market rates.
  The company‘s economist has forecast the following interest rates under two economic
  10 Year T-Note Yield 6% 4% 8%
  90 Day T-Bill Yield 5% 3% 11%
  (a) Predict the effects on your company‘s asset portfolio and the SPDA block using
  each interest rate crediting methodologies under the following:
  (i) recession scenario
  (ii) inflation scenario
  (b) Explain why it may be disadvantageous to reposition the portfolio using outright
  sales and purchases.
  (c) Describe option strategies to hedge against a movement from the current
  environment to:
  (i) recession scenario
  (ii) inflation scenario
  (d) Describe the risks related to the options strategies used in (c).
  COURSE 8: Investment - 13 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  November 2000
  Afternoon Session

