  7. (7 points) After a recent economic decline, NOC’s CFO has stated that he would like a
  95% assurance that the National Oil Full-Time Salaried Pension Plan will maintain a
  surplus on an expense basis in the short term.
  You are given:
  ? The expense discount rate will be increased to 7.5% on December 31, 2001
  ? Benefit payments will remain level from 2000
  ? Active employees‘ service cost has a duration of 14
  ? The duration for the total Pension Benefit Obligation (PBO) is 10
  ? No contributions are to be made during 2001
  Using the PBO as your liability measure:
  (a) (1 point) Calculate the Plan‘s Funding Ratio Return (FRR) for 2000.
  (b) (2 points) Estimate the expected funded status of the Plan at the end of 2001
  assuming the return on assets is zero.
  (c) (4 points) Given the CFO‘s objective, *uate the following asset allocations
  using the concept of FRR:
  ? 100% bond and 0% equity
  ? 50% bond and 50% equity
  ? 0% bond and 100% equity
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 8 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits
  Comprehensive Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 7 –10 pertain to the Case Study
  8. (7 points) The government of Belair intends to change the tax status of ERPs and
  PPAs in order to increase tax revenue, without discouraging retirement savings in
  Comment on the government‘s objectives and propose ways in which Belair‘s rules could
  be changed or clarified to meet these objectives.
  9. (10 points) NOC‘s union is proposing to freeze the NOC Full-Time Hourly Union
  Pension Plan and start participation in the multiemployer plan maintained for the
  members of the Oil Workers Union (OWU). The OWU Plan has a surplus on a going
  concern basis but a deficit on a termination basis.
  (a) (7 points) Analyze the risks and benefits for NOC if they accept the Union‘s
  proposal. Include both financial and operational considerations.
  (b) (3 points) Describe the additional considerations if the existing NOC Hourly
  Union Pension Plan were merged into the OWU plan.
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 9 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits
  Comprehensive Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 7 –10 pertain to the Case Study
  10. (6 points) On January 1, 2001, National Oil acquired World Oil, a large
  refinery in Belair. National Oil will retain all of the salaried employees of World Oil.
  World Oil has a number of salaried employees that are sent abroad for temporary
  assignments. Some, but not all of these employees are from Belair.
  World Oil‘s current salaried employees’retirement programs and workforce are described
  Retirement Income Benefit
  ? Defined Contribution
  ? Eligibility: Immediate
  ? Vesting: Immediate
  ? Employer contribution: 3% of pay
  ? Investment option: Balanced fund
  ? Loans: None permitted
  ? Account balance paid on retirement, termination, death or disability
  Reconciliation of Plan Assets from 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2001
  Assets as of January 1, 2000: $18,789,300
  Employer contributions: 2,801,200
  Benefit payments: (1,550,100)
  Expenses paid by the plan: 0
  Investment return: 601,200
  Assets as of January 1, 2001: $20,641,600
  Retiree Healthcare
  ? Self-insured defined benefit plan
  ? Retiree contributions: None
  ? Eligibility: Retirement at or after age 55 with at least 10 years of service
  ? Hospital and major medical benefits: all fees paid by plan
  ? Dental: Plan pays 100% of preventive care and 50% of restorative care
  Retiree Life Insurance
  ? Fully-insured benefit
  ? Eligibility: Retirement at or after age 55 with at least 10 years of service
  ? Employer-paid benefit: $25,000
  ? Optional retiree-paid benefit: $25,000 or $50,000
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 10 - STOP
  Retirement Benefits
  Comprehensive Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Census Data
  In Belair Abroad
  Number of salaried employees: 2,250 150
  Average age: 36 43
  Average service: 11 years 7 years
  Average earnings $41,500 $85,000
  Retired participants in the life and health plans: 750 with family coverage, 150 with
  single coverage
  Average age: 72
  National Oil has asked you to integrate the NOC and World Oil retirement programs such
  that all salaried employees are receiving consistent benefits.
  (a) Describe the issues in integrating these programs.
  (b) Describe the additional issues for the salaried employees working abroad.

