  13. (4 points) You have been asked by your client at BEST HMO to create a presentation that
  will enable her to convince management to establish new methods for physician
  (a) Describe traditional and new, alternative forms of capitation and their suitability
  for specific types of physicians.
  (b) Describe traditional and new, alternative forms of incentive plans.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -10- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  14. (5 points) You are a consultant hired by TeethFerry.com, a company hoping to use the
  Internet to market dental plans. They have created a marketing communication to be sent
  to companies that do not currently have a benefits program.
  From: TeethFerry.com
  Subject: Quality Dental Coverage with 3 Months at No Charge
  Affordable Dental Coverage
  ?  save up to 60% on all your dental needs
  ?  choose from 15 of the finest nationwide and regional plans
  ?  pay premiums, submit claims, get the latest information, all on your desktop!
  (a) List the general types of delivery systems for dental plans and their major
  (b) Outline plan provisions and claim practices that dental insurers can use to
  limit cost and anti-selection.
  (c) Describe challenges that e-commerce companies must overcome to be
  15. (4 points) You are the health actuary for XYZ Life Insurance Company. XYZ has been
  marketing Individual Long Term Care insurance (ILTCI) for several years, but the
  product has not performed well.
  A large national employer has approached XYZ, expressing a desire to offer its
  employees a Group Long Term Care insurance (GLTCI) product which XYZ does not
  currently offer.
  XYZ’s executive management has expressed concern about developing a GLTCI product
  given the company’s poor experience with their ILTCI product. You have been asked to:
  (a) Explain difficulties experienced by the industry in pricing and reserving early
  versions of long term care products.
  (b) Describe differences in plan design and pricing considerations between GLTCI
  and ILTCI.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -11- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Question 16 pertains to the Case Study
  16. (5 points) You are the Chief Actuary of Wonderful Life, which offers Individual
  Disability Insurance (IDI) on a Noncancellable and Guaranteed Renewable basis.
  Wonderful Life has not dramatically changed the IDI product since the 80’s. Your
  President is concerned about the volatility of the product and recent IDI experience in
  particular. He has asked you to provide recommendations to improve the performance of
  the IDI block.
  In addition to the information provided in Tables GLD-3b, GLD-6b, and GLD-8b, the
  following assumptions are provided:
  ?  Benefit period is 3 years
  ?  All qualified benefits are paid at end of year
  ?  The interest rate is 5.0%, and it is the same rate used in developing original
  manual rates
  ?  Annualized termination rates can be used
  ?  The IDI block experience is fully credible
  ?  All policies were rated based on manual rates developed from the above table
  (a) Outline general actions which might be taken to improve profit and/or reduce
  volatility, in light of historical changes in the IDI industry.
  (b) Recent performance indicators show actual-to-expected incidence rate is 120%
  across all age bands, and actual- to-expected termination is 110% in annualized
  claim termination rates. Calculate the manual rate for a male age 42 becoming
  disabled at age 42. Show your work.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -12- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session

