  3. (8 points) You are the actuary for a company that sponsors a non-contributory defined
  benefit pension plan.
  You are given:
  Plan Provisions
  Retirement benefit: $20 per month, per year of service
  Normal form of pension: Life only, payable monthly in advance
  Normal retirement age: 60
  Early retirement reduction: 5% per year that retirement precedes age 60
  Other ancillary benefits: None
  Actuarial Assumptions and Method
  Interest rate: 7.0% per annum
  Retirement rates: 10% per annum, at the beginning of each year,
  from age 57 through 59; 100% at age 60
  Pre-retirement decrements: None
  Actuarial cost method: Unit Credit
  && a57
  b12g = 10.0
  && a58
  b12g = 9.0
  && a59
  b12g = 8.0
  && a60
  b12g = 7.0
  Financial Information
  Assets at January 1, 2001: $100,000
  2001 employer contribution: None
  Fund rate of return in 2001: 2%
  Participant Data as at January 1, 2001
  Member Age Service
  Jean 57 25
  Kelly 58 29
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 7 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Pension Funding Mathematics Segment
  (a) Calculate the unfunded accrued liability and normal cost as at January 1, 2001.
  (b) On December 31, 2001, Kelly retires. On December 31, 2001, Pat transfers into
  the plan at age 45 and $10,000 is transferred to recognize 10 years of Pat’s prior
  Calculate the unfunded accrued liability as at January 1, 2002.
  (c) Calculate the gains and losses by source for 2001.
  Show all work.
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 8 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Pension Funding Mathematics Segment
  4. (4 points) You are the actuary for a company that sponsors a defined benefit pension
  You are given:
  Plan Provisions
  Retirement benefit: $30 per month, per year of service
  Normal form of payment: Five years certain and life thereafter, payable
  monthly in advance
  Optional form of payment: Actuarially equivalent 75% joint and
  survivor annuity
  Normal retirement age: 65
  Early retirement reduction: Actuarial equivalence
  Other ancillary benefits: None
  Actuarial equivalence: Based on valuation assumptions
  Actuarial Assumptions and Method
  Interest rate: 7.0% per annum
  Retirement age: 65
  Pre-retirement decrements: None
  Actuarial cost method: Entry Age Normal
  Member Spouse Member: Spouse
  && a60
  b12g = 10.8387 && a57
  b12g = 12.5296 && a60:57
  b12g = 9.7460
  && a65
  b12g = 9.7004 && a62
  b12g = 11.6834 && a65:62
  b12g = 8.5126
  && a70
  b12g = 8.4642 && a67
  b12g = 10.6379 && a70:67
  b12g = 7.1863
  5 p60 = 0.9446
  5 p65 = 0.9039
  The following member retires on January 1, 2001:
  Data as at January 1, 2001
  Member’s age: 60
  Spouse’s age: 57
  Years of service: 35
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 9 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Pension Funding Mathematics Segment
  (a) Calculate the experience gain or loss on January 1, 2001 caused by the retirement
  of the member.
  (b) Calculate the member’s pension under the optional form of payment.
  Show all work.
  COURSE 8: November 2001 - 10 - STOP
  Retirement Benefits,
  Pension Funding Mathematics Segment

