  11. (3 points) You are the individual health insurance actuary for XYZ Insurance company.
  (a) Describe the type of expense allocations that could be used for individual
  health products.
  (b) Describe expenses that are typically taken into account in the pricing process
  and how they are reflected.
  (c) Explain the criteria that the expense allocation method must meet.
  12. (5 points) Using the US and Canadian tax treatment as examples, discuss the impact of
  taxation of premiums and benefits received on the design of employer-provided insurance
  programs. Include examples for Life, Disability, Medical, and Long-Term Care and
  discuss from both the employee and employer perspective.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2002 -11- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  13. (5 points) You are a product development actuary working for a multi- line insurance
  company. The company is developing an individual medical insurance product.
  (a) Outline the types of premium rate and renewal gua rantees that may be used and
  characteristics of each.
  (b) Describe factors that influence the level of lapsation rates for these types of
  (c) Explain the differences between underwriting life insurance and underwriting for
  major medical insurance.
  (d) Describe sources of information the underwriter might utilize.
  14. (3 points) You are an actuary for JKL Life which has recently decided to enter the group
  medical line of business. You have been asked to lead a project to design the needed
  management information system.
  (a) Review the challenges of producing management information reports.
  (b) Describe information/reports that would be useful to analyze claims and expenses.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2002 -12- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 15 and 16 pertain to the Case Study
  15. (5 points) The GLD Division of the Wonderful Life Insurance Company has been falling
  short of profit expectations on their group life business.
  (a) Describe methods and considerations in the development of expected claims cost
  in the pricing of group life business.
  (b) Recommend steps that Wonderful Life could take to lower their claim costs.
  (c) Calculate the overall actual-to-expected ratio for Wonderful Life for 2001, using
  table GLD-2.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2002 -13- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 15 and 16 pertain to the Case Study
  16. (8 points) The GLD Division of Wonderful Life markets both group and individual
  disability products. As the pricing actuary you have been asked to do a rate analysis for a
  new medical professional group LTD account. The group has requested a 90 day
  elimination period (ep) and 5 year maximum benefit period. It is believed that in order to
  win this account the rates should be no more than 5% higher than Wonderful Life’s
  current manual rates for groups of similar plan designs.
  You are given the following information in addition to tables GLD-5, GLD-6, and
  ?  Expenses and profits are 25% of premium.
  ?  New account premium is based solely on manual rates.
  ?  The group is assumed to be comprised entirely of 37 year old males.
  ?  The interest rate is zero.
  ?  Calculations should utilize annualized termination rates. Actual termination rates
  equal expected termination rates.
  ?  90-day ep termination rates are:
  - year 1: annualized termination rate for 37 year old males = 0.50.
  - subsequent years: 20% higher than the termination rates for 180 day ep.
  (a) (6 points) Using Wonderful Life’s LTD 2000 incidence of claim
  experience, determine whether the marketing pricing expectations can be met:
  (i) For the requested plan design
  (ii) For a plan with a 180 day ep
  Show your work.
  (b) (2 points) Review other possible plan design features to be
  considered in meeting the marketing pricing expectation.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2002 -14- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session
  17. (4 points) You are the product development actuary for ABC Life. The new marketing
  VP has approached you about expanding the individual DI line of business with a product
  geared towards the upscale professional marketplace. He claims that in order to
  differentiate this product the most generous benefit package possible must be offered. He
  suggests you set the rates accordingly.
  (a) Describe the potential benefits that can be offered to meet the VP’s request.
  (b) Recommend which of the potential benefits should and should not be offered.
  Justify your recommendation.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2002 -15- GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Health and Group Life Segment
  Afternoon Session

