  20. (6 points) A financial institution has sold short three European call options on a stock
  with the following characteristics:
  Stock price: 100
  Strike price: 110
  Volatility: 20%
  Expiry: 2 years
  Contract size: 1,000 shares
  Dividends: none
  Risk-free rate: 5%
  (a) (4 Points) Describe and *uate strategies the financial institution can use to
  manage the risk of this portfolio.
  (b) (1 Point) Calculate delta, theta and gamma for the portfolio.
  (c) (1 Point) Verify the calculations of delta, theta and gamma by showing that the
  results for the portfolio satisfy the Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 - 17 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  21. (6 points) A model of the type GARCH(1,1) is being used to set volatility for integer
  values of strike price for an option pricing model that is based on a lognormal
  distribution. You have the following information on the model for a specific underlying
  ?  A weight of 10% is given to a variance of 4% that is reached
  asymptotically as the strike price increases toward infinity.
  ?  The model assumes returns are a constant 20%.
  ?  A weight of 80% is given to the variance determined for the prior strike
  ?  The variance is 9% for a strike price of 0.
  (a) Calculate the change in volatility for each of strike prices of 1 and 2 assuming the
  variance for a strike price of 0 decreases from 9% to 8%.
  (b) Assess whether the model with the given parameters is more appropriate for an
  equity option or a currency option. Support your answer by interpreting the
  resulting implications for the volatility smile.
  (c) Describe how to determine a maximum likelihood estimate for the above model,
  assuming the distribution of returns conditioned on the variance is normal.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 - 18 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  22. (7 points) You would like to calibrate a new Monte Carlo pricing model by comparing
  the model price to the Black-Scholes price of a European call option on a non-dividend
  paying stock. The European call option and the underlying stock have the following
  Current stock value = 100
  Expected growth rate of the stock price = 10%
  Volatility = 25%
  Exercise price = 95
  Time to maturity = 6 months
  Risk-free interest rate = 6%
  Black-Scholes price of the option = 11.37
  Assume that the percentage change in the stock price is normally distributed.
  (a) Calculate the control variate technique adjustment using stratified sampling on 3
  (b) Describe additional techniques that can be used to improve the efficiency of the
  Monte Carlo method.
  (c) Describe how the Monte Carlo method can be adapted to calculate the price of
  American options.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 - 19 - GO ON TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  23. (6 points) You are given the following information about an interest rate collar with
  quarterly resets. Assume quarterly compounding unless otherwise indicated.
  Notional amount = 100,000,000
  Strike interest rate for cap = 7.0%
  Strike interest rate for floor = 4.5%
  Time to expiration = 2 years
  Time t Forward 3-month interest
  rate starting at time t
  Zero-coupon interest rate
  to time t (continuous
  9 months 5.0% 4.49%
  12 months 5.2% 4.64%
  15 months 5.3% 4.77%
  (a) Compare the collar to a portfolio of bond options with equivalent payoffs.
  (b) Calculate, using Black’s model, the price of the floorlet that prevents the interest
  rate from being lower than the strike price for 3 months starting in one year.
  Assume that the volatility of the underlying three-month rate is 20%.
  (c) Assess the suitability of Black’s model for valuing options embedded in a
  mortgage backed security.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -20- STOP
  Morning Session
  24. (3 points) You have been asked to review the trading costs of the following stock:
  Time Price Number of
  shares traded
  (Previous close is 44 1/8)
  1:40 pm 44 1/8 1000
  1:42 44 1/4 2000
  1:45 44 500
  1:46 43 7/8 5000
  1:50 43 3/4 2000
  1:51 43 7/8 400
  1:54 44 1/4 6000
  (a) Explain why the measurement of trading costs is important.
  (b) Calculate the price impact of trading for the above stock using the “money flow”
  system as adapted by Birinyi.

