以下是2014年9月5日更新:北美精算师第五部分综合辅导内容,请耐心看下去哦。因为高顿网校小编花了好久才制作完成的。对今后北美精算师考试大有裨益。  SOA北美精算师考试历年常见问题(FAQ)
  printer friendly
  for questions on exam registrations, schedules, and centers, contact exams@soa.org.
  for all other questions, including grading concerns, defective questions, syllabus information, general course studies, contact education & exams ombudsperson.
  examination services frequently asked questions
  address changes:
  how do i change my address for receipt of admission ticket or grade slip?
  to change your address on our database, e-mail the correct information to exams@soa.org. please put “address change” in the subject line of your e-mail. include your date of birth and/or your previous address for positive identification. you may notify the exam department directly at (847) 706-3583.
  when is the registration deadline?
  your application(s) must be received on or before april 1 for the spring session, and september 24 for the fall session. applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. please be aware that it takes approximately 10 days for your application to arrive by regular mail. we encourage you to use an overnight delivery service to ensure delivery by the deadline date. please retain your tracking number in the event that you would need to trace your package for proof of delivery. your original signature is required for your application to be valid. a photocopy or facsimile of your signature is not acceptable. applications are processed in the order they are received. it may take a few weeks for your application to be processed due to the volume of applications received. when your registration is entered into our computer you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
  download fall 2004 exam applications
  what are the approved calculators and how can i obtain one?
  you may use the battery – or solar powered texas instruments ba-35 model calculator, ba ii plus, ti-30x, ti-30xa, or ti-30x ii (iis solar or 11b battery). you may use more than one of the approved models during the examination. upon entrance to the examination room, candidates must show the supervisor that the memory has been cleared for all of the calculators brought in. calculator instructions are not allowed in the exam room. for the ba ii plus, clearing will reset the calculator to the factory default settings. you can purchase calculators at any office supply store or directly from: texas instruments, attention: order entry, po box 650311, mail station 3962, dallas, tx 75265. for phone orders please call 1-800-842-2737. the texas instruments web site is www.ti.com.
  candidate numbers:
  i’ve misplaced my candidate number and want to check if i passed, what can i do?
  if you have lost or misplaced your ticket of admission indicating your candidate number, this information cannot be given over the phone, faxed or e-mailed. you may request your candidate number by e-mail to exams@soa.org. please put “candidate number” in the subject line of your e-mail. you may also contact the exam department at (847) 706-3583. please confirm your mailing address and date of birth. candidate numbers are sent by mail only.
  change of center:
  how do i request a change of center?
  you may request a change of center by contacting the exam department at (847) 706-3583. there is a non-refundable fee of $50 which will be assessed at the time of the request. candidates are not allowed to walk-in to take an exam at a center where they have not registered. supervisors must confirm registration with the soa prior to being allowed to write.
  exam fees:
  how can i tell if my exam fees have been paid?
  can i still take exams with a balance due on my account?
  registration is confirmed by e-mail. however payment information is not confirmed at that time. check processing takes approximately 2 weeks to clear the bank. credit card payments are charged on a first come first serve basis and may take a few weeks to process due to the volume of applications received.
  upon payment approval, tickets of admission will be mailed out. if there is a balance due on your account due to insufficient funds or a declined charge transaction, an invoice will be sent to you and your ticket of admission will be withheld. please note that a grade will not be released until exam fees are paid in full.
  candidates who use a company check or corporate credit card to pay for their exams are encouraged to check with their employers to be sure that a payment was sent on their behalf well ahead of the deadline date.
  candidates whose payment form is a personal check should check with their bank to see if their check has cleared.
  candidates who use a visa, mastercard or american express card should contact their charge company to see if the transaction has been successful.
  a candidate may take an exam while having an outstanding balance. every effort should be made to clear up exam fees prior to the exams date. in the event that there is a balance due and a ticket of admission is not received, the candidate should report to the exam site with photo id to show the supervisor at check in. candidate instructions, exams dates, times and center locations can be found at http://www.soa.org/ccm/content/?categoryid=334002. the supervisor will provide an approved candidate number to use for the exam.

