2020 届考研英语于12 月 21 日下午结束,高顿考研英语研究院长张笑携写作预测中心顾问江明老师(一流大学副教授,英语写作教学研究近二十年)、任瑞罡老师(十三年考研教学经验,多册考研和写作图书作者)和宋斌老师(上海交大和港大双硕士,清华大学出版社签约作家),成功预测今年英语一、英语二作文!
段落中间部分,可以论述用手机获取知识、查找信息的原因及影响等,将范文中的句子主题词(online education/online courses)稍加替换,即可直接套用:
1. What accounts for the increase? From my perspective, at least three factors contribute to the change.
2. More importantly, the change has a lot to do with the turning of the Chinese people’s attitude towards and outlook on online education. More and more people regard online education as an efficient and convenient way to learn useful skills.
3. To begin with, online courses provide them with much more choices hardly imagined before.
4. Nowadays, lectures given by some world-renowned professors from prestigious institutions are available for students even in remote areas.
5. More importantly, once downloaded, these online courses can be learned and relearned at whatever time that students consider convenient.
“Last but not least, proper goal can shape one’s positive mind and well-being habits in life, which benefits their progress.” )