  Brasil,IBRACON ,) www.ibracon.com.br
  ㊣巴西会计师协会(Conselho Federal de Contabilidade,CFC) www.cfc.org.br
  ㊣(Colegio de Auditores de Bolivia,) www.auditorescontadoresbolivia.org
  ㊣(Instituto Nacional de Contadores Públicos de Colombia,) www.incp.org.co
  ㊣圭亚那特许会计师协会(The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,ICAG) www.icag.org.gy
  ㊣(Junta de Decanos de Colegios de Contadores Publicos del Peru,) www.jdccpp.org
  ㊣(Federación de Colegios de Contadores Públicos de Venezuela,FCCPA) www.fccpv.org
  ㊣(Colegio de Contadores, Economistas y Administradores del Uruguay,CCEA) www.ccea.com.uy
  ㊣(暂停)(Colegio de Contadores de Chile,) www.contach.cl
  *阿尔巴尼亚审定特许会计师协会(Institute of Authorized Chartered Auditors of Albania ,IEKA)
  ㊣爱尔兰注册会计师协会(The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland,) www.cpaireland.ie/
  ㊣爱尔兰特许会计师协会(The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland,ICAI) www.icai.ie
  *爱尔兰专业会计员协会(The Institute of Accounting Technicians in Ireland,IATI) www.iati.ie
  ㊣爱沙尼亚审计师协会(The Estonian Board of Auditors,) www.audiitorkogu.ee
  ㊣(Institut ?sterreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer,) www.iwp.or.at
  ㊣(Kammer der Wirtschaftstreuh?nder ,) www.kwt.or.at
  ㊣保加利亚注册会计师协会(Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Bulgaria,) www.ides.bg
  ㊣比利时会计师协会(Institut des Experts-comptables et des Conseils fiscaux,) www.iec-iab.be/fra/
  ㊣(Institut des Reviseurs d'Entreprises,) www.ibr-ire.be
  ㊣冰岛国家法定公共会计师协会(The Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Iceland,FLE) www.fle.is
  *塞族共和国会计师和审计师协会(Association of Accountants and Auditors of Republika Srpska,)
  ㊣波兰会计师协会(Accountants Association in Poland,SKWP) www.skwp.pl
  ㊣波兰全国法定审计师公会(National Chamber of Statutory Auditors,KIBR) www.kibr.org.pl
  ㊣丹麦国家法定公共会计师协会(The Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Denmark,FSR) www.fsr.dk
  ㊣(Foreningen Registrerede Revisorer,FRR) www.frr.dk
  ㊣德国法定审计师协会(Institut der Wirtschaftspruefer in Deutschland e.V.,) www.idw.de
  ㊣德国法定审计师公会(Wirtschaftsprüferkammer,) www.wpk.de
  ㊣俄罗斯专业会计师协会(The Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia ,IPAR) www.ipbr.ru
  *俄罗斯审计执行委员会(Russian Collegium of Auditors,) www.rka.org.ru
  萨马拉地区专业会计师协会(Institute of Professional Accountants of Samara Region
  ,SIPA) www.sipa.org.ru
  ㊣法国注册审计师协会(Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes,) www.cncc.fr
  ㊣法国注册会计师协会(Conseil Supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables,) www.experts-comptables.org
  ⊙(Fédération Internationale des Experts Comptables Francophones,) www.fidef.org
  ㊣芬兰法定公共会计师协会(KHT-yhdistys-F?reningen CGR ry,) www.kht.fi
  ㊣(HTM-tilintarkastajat ry - GRM- revisorer rf,) www.htm.fi
  ㊣荷兰皇家注册会计师协会(Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants ,Royal NIVRA) www.nivra.nl
  *黑山会计师和审计师协会(Institute of Accountants and Auditores of Montenegro,IRRCG) www.irrcg.cg.yu
  ㊣捷克审计师公会(Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic,) www.kacr.cz
  ㊣捷克会计师公会(Union of Accountants of the Czech Republic,) www.svaz-ucetnich.cz
  捷克注册会计师公会(Chamber of Certified Accountants,) www.komora-ucetnich.cz
  *科索沃注册会计师和审计师协会(Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo,SCAAK) www.scaak-ks.org
  ㊣克罗地亚会计师和金融专家协会(Croatian Association of Accountants and Financial Experts,) www.rif.hr
  *拉脱维亚注册审计师协会(Latvian Association of Certified Auditors,) www.lzra.lv/en
  *立陶宛审计师公会(Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors,) www.lar.lt
  ㊣利比里亚注册会计师协会(The Liberian Institute of Certified Publi