Do not show weakness in an interview.
  The reality is that it is OK to have flaws. In fact, almost every interviewer will ask you to name one. Typically job seekers are told to either avoid this question by providing a "good flaw." One such "good flaw" which is often recommends is: "I am too committed to my work." But, these kinds of responses will only hurt you.
  "Every recruiter can see through that," Greene says offauxflaws.
  Recruiters conduct interviews all day, every day. They've seen it all and can see through candidates who dodgequestions. "They prefer to hire someone who is honest than someone who is obviously lying," Greene says.
  招聘人员每天都进行整天的面试。他们已经看穿了这一切,并且能够看出那些试图躲避问题的候选人“他们更愿意雇佣比那些明显在撒谎的人更诚实的人。” Greene说。
  And for those of you who claim to be flaw-free, think again. "Everybody has weaknesses," Frankel states. But one is enough. According to Frankel, supply your interviewer with one genuine flaw, explain how you are working to correct it, and then move on to a new question.
  而对于那些声称自己没缺点的求职者,再认真考虑下吧。Frankel 指出“每个人都有缺陷。”但是说出一个就足够了。根据Frankel所说,告诉你的面试官一个真实的缺点,并解释你正在努力改正这个缺点,然后转移到下个话题。