The employer determines whether or not you get the job.
  While yes, the employer must be the one to offer you the position, interviewees have more control than they often realize. According to both Greene and Frankel, candidates have a larger say in the final hiring decision than they think.
  是的,雇主必须是为你提供该职位的人,但是求职者拥有的决定权比他们自己意识到的还要大。Greene 和 Frankel都认为候选者在最终聘用中的决定权比他们自认为的要大。
  "They should call the interviewer or hiring manager and say: 'I'd really like to be part of the company,'" says Greene. "It can't hurt you. It can only help."
  "Acing the Interview" encourages all candidates to conclude their interviews with one question: "'Based on our interview, do you have any concerns about my ability to do the job?' -- If the answer is yes, ask the interviewer to be explicit. Deal forthrightly with each concern."
  “在面试中使出绝招”给了所有求职者勇气以同一个问题来结束他们的面试 “在我们的面试之后,您对于我能够胜任该职位是否有疑问呢?”如果得到的回答是肯定的,请求面试官点明,并坦白的接受每一点评论。”