问题:为什么Debt Service Fund&Permanent Funds不适用Encumbrances?
  回答:首先明确Encumbrances(支出保留)的概念是什么。Encumbrances是对采购单的承诺基金,它的主要作用就是有效控制政府支出,防止预算偏离。一个词概括的话, 它就是一个purchase orders。
  再来看Debt Service Funds,它就是从资产税,投资盈余以及其他各种基金分类的剩余可支配资金用来管理债券的偿还。而Permanent Fund,它的本金部分是被政府外部的捐助人,投资人限制的,只允许利息收入部分拿来benefit of the public。所以,无论是Debt Service Funds还是Permanent Fund都不具有采购基金的要素,自然对于Encumbrances来说也就是Not applicable了。
  Strauch Co. has one class of common stock outstanding and no other securities that are potentially convertible into common stock. During 20x1, 100,000 shares of common stock were outstanding. In 20x2, two distributions of additional common shares occurred: On April 1, 20,000 shares of treasury stock were sold, and on July 1, a 2-for-1 stock split was issued. Net income was $410,000 in 20x2 and $350,000 in 20x1. What amounts should Strauch report as basic earnings per share in its 20x2 and 20x1 comparative income statements?
  20X2 20X1
  A $1.78 $3.50
  B $1.78   $1.75
  C $2.34 $1.75
  D $2.34   $3.50

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