  Metro General is a municipally-owned and operated hospital and a component unit of Metro City. In Year 1, the hospital received $7,000 in unrestricted gifts and $4,000 in unrestricted bequests. The hospital has $800,000 in long-term debt and $1,200,000 in fixed assets.
  Before the hospital's financial statements were combined with those of the city, the city's statements included data on one special revenue fund and one enterprise fund. The city's statements showed $100,000 in enterprise fund long-term debt, $500,000 in enterprise fund fixed assets, $1,000,000 in general long-term debt, and $6,000,000 in general fixed assets.
  The hospital's long-term debt should be reported in the city's financial statements as:
  a. A separate "discrete presentation" of $800,000 in the hospital column.
  b. Long term debt in the component unit column of the government-wide long-term debt in the financial statements.
  c. Part of $1,800,000 in long-term debt displayed in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position.
  d. An $800,000 contra amount against fixed assets.
  Choice "b" is correct. The hospital's long-term debt should be reported in the city's financial statements as part of $900,000 component unit long-term debt in the government-wide financial statements.
  Choice "d" is incorrect. Debt is not offset against assets.
  Choice "c" is incorrect. The hospital is an enterprise fund component, not part of governmental activities.
  Choice "a" is incorrect. There is no hospital column.