所得税费用(或利益) income tax expense ( or benefit)
  9 非经常营业损益 nonrecurring gain or loss
  91 停业部门损益 gain(loss) from discontinued operations
  911 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益 income(loss) from operations of discontinued segments
  9111 停业部门损益-停业前营业损益 income(loss) from operations of discontinued segment
  912 停业部门损益-处分损益 gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segments
  9121 停业部门损益-处分损益 gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segment
  92 非常损益 extraordinary gain or loss
  921 非常损益 extraordinary gain or loss
  9211 非常损益 extraordinary gain or loss
  93 会计原则变动累积影响数 cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
  931 会计原则变动累积影响数 cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
  9311 会计原则变动累积影响数 cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
  94 少数股权净利 minority interest income
  941 少数股权净利 minority interest income
  9411 少数股权净利 minority interest income
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