A management accountant performs a linear regression of maintenance cost vs. production using a computer spreadsheet. The regression output shows an “intercept” value of $322,897. How should the accountant interpret this information?
  A. Maintenance cost has an average value of $322,897.
  B. Y has a value of $322,897 when X equals zero.
  C. X has a value of $322,897 when Y equals zero.
  D. The residual error of the regression is $322,897.
  B is corrent. The general form of the linear regression equation is y = a (the intercept) + bx. Therefore, when x equals 0, y is equal to a (the intercept).
  A is incorrect. The intercept is a constant term.
  C is incorrect. It reverses the independent and dependent variables in the equation.
  D is incorrect. The residual error is a random variable with an expected value of zero.