小编导读:各位考生,如果您在学习中遇到任何疑问,请登录高顿部落USCPA论坛,随时与广大考生朋友们一起互动交流!进入论坛>>  Which of the following is included as part of the definition of audit sampling?
  A. Statistical techniques.
  B. Documentary evidence.
  C. Inquiry and observation procedures.
  D. Evaluation of some characteristic.
  D is corrent because audit sampling is the application of an audit procedure to less than 100% of the items within an account balance or class of transactions for the purpose of *uating some characteristic of the balance or class.
  A is incorrect because both statistical and nonstatistical sampling techniques are acceptable.
  B is incorrect because both internally and externally generated evidence are acceptable for audit sampling.
  C is incorrect because various procedures other than inquire and observation are possible when applying audit sampling (e.g., inspection and reperformance); also, the inquiry and observation techniques are not ordinarily used in statistical sampling applications.