A basic objective of a CPA firm is to provide professional services to conform with professional standards. Reasonable assurance of achieving this basic objective is provided through
A. A system of quality control.
B. Continuing professional education.
C. A system of peer review.
D. Compliance with generally accepted reporting standards.
A is corrent because a system of quality control is necessary to provide a CPA firm with reasonable assurance that it is conforming to generally accepted auditing standards.
B is incorrect because a system of quality control is necessary to provide the CPA firm with reasonable assurance that it is conforming to professional standards. Continuing professional education is only a part of a firm’s system of quality control.
C is incorrect because a system of quality control is necessary to provide the CPA firm with reasonable assurance that it is conforming to professional standards. A system of peer review is only a part of a firm’s system of quality control.
D is incorrect because it relates only to reporting standards.