那么,它的每期固定利息是由哪些因素决定的呢?主要是债券的票面利率coupon rate。但是债券的价格是由市场利率(effective rate, yield to maturity,market rate)决定的。
例如,下面就是一个bond issued的计算题:
Example 1.
The market price of a bond issued at a premium is equal to the present value of its principal amount:
A. And the present value of all future interest payments, at the market (effective) interest rate
B. Only, at the stated interest rate
C. Only, at the market (effective) interest rate.
D. And the present value of all future interest payments, at the stated interest rate.
正确答案是A。To determine the market price of a bond, the present value of the principal is added to the present value of all interest payments, using the market interest rate.

有些考生在备考时对债券发行成本这一点不是很清楚,它其实是一项deferred charge,即递延费用。一般是在债券发行之后到期之前这个期间内,使用直线法来摊销。债券发行成本一般包括打印费,承销费,注册费等。
需要注意的是,若bond issue date是晚于起始计息日,那么计算应付利息和利息费用,就必须考虑起始计息日到发行的这段时间,但是在摊销bond issuance cost时则并不需要考虑这段时间。
一种是Fair value option,另一种是Effective rate method。
Fair value option的有点是每个会计期间都可以真实反映当前债券的实际价值,给财务报表的使用者一个更准确且更加实时的债券信息。它确认损益的会计科目是gain/loss。
Effective rate method则反映了发行债券企业真实的融资成本,更具有一定的合理性。它确认损益的会计科目是interest expense。
不过高顿网校USCPA研究院Karen老师指出,Fair value option虽然考虑了实际利率变动的影响,但是企业将来承担的利息和本金支付与此并无关系,且考虑财务报表的跨期可比性,这个方法并不是a1选择。
Example 2.
On January 1, year 2, Southern Corporation received $107,720 for a $100,000 face amount, 12% bond, a price that yields 10%. The bonds pay interest semiannually. Southern elects the fair value option for valuing its financial liabilities. On December 31, year 2, the fair value of the bond is determined to be $106,460. Southern recognized interest expense of $12,000 in its Year 2 income statement. What was the gain or loss recognized on the Year 2 income statement to report this bond at fair value?
解析:Report the bond at fair value 就表示该债券是以fair value option 来衡量的。Fair value option 下,债券的公允价值变动全都计入gain/loss.在fair value option 下,完全不需要考虑折价/溢价的摊销,所以gain/loss=期末公允价值被-期初余额=$106,000-$107,720= ($1,260). 因为这是应付债券,所以应付债券的公允价值降低是gain,gain 是$1,260.