Under Pick Co.s job order costing system manufacturing overhead is applied to work in process using a predetermined annual overhead rate. Du ...
2015-08-20 08:08小编导读:高顿网校免费题库,通过针对性地讲解、训练、答疑、模考,对学习过程进行全程跟踪、专家权威解析与指导,帮助考生全面提升备考效果。 We di ...
2015-08-20 08:08After which of the following situations would it usually not be necessary to notify third parties of the termination of an agencys existence ...
2015-08-19 08:08小编导读:高顿网校免费题库,通过针对性地讲解、训练、答疑、模考,对学习过程进行全程跟踪、专家权威解析与指导,帮助考生全面提升备考效果。 Which ...
2015-08-19 08:08In a large public corporation, *uating internal control procedures should be the responsibility of: a.Accounting management staff who report ...
2015-08-18 09:08An enterprise engaged a CPA to audit its financial statements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (the Yellow Book) because of ...
2015-08-18 09:08On December 1,Year 1,Tom V.company entered into an operating lease for office space for its executives for 10years at a monthly rental of $ ...
2015-08-03 10:08According to the standards of the profession, which of the following circumstances will prevent a CPA performing audit engagements from bein ...
2015-05-26 16:05【单选题】根据美国公认会计准则,特殊项目是: 重要性项目,它既特殊也不经常发生。 重要性项目,它既不特殊也经常发生。 重要性项目,它既特殊也经 ...
2015-05-05 13:05Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CPA to decide not to accept a new audit engagement? a.Managements disregard of its ...
2015-04-24 16:04A scope limitation sufficient to preclude an unmodified opinion always will result when management: a.Engages the auditor after the year-end ...
2015-04-24 16:04高顿网校小编在此为各位正在备考USCPA考试的考生们准备下面一道习题,每日一练,你会了吗? 问题: On December 1,Year 1,Tom V.company entered into ...
2015-04-09 16:04高顿网校小编在此为各位正在备考USCPA考试的考生们准备下面一道习题,每日一练,你会了吗? 问题: Link leased construction equipment under a 7-ye ...
2015-04-09 16:04高顿网校小编在此为各位正在备考USCPA考试的考生们准备下面一道习题,每日一练,你会了吗? 问题: Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share Stra ...
2015-04-09 16:04Class Corp. maintains its accounting records on the cash basis but restates its financial statements to the accrual method of accounting. Cl ...
2015-04-09 16:041. On April 1, Year 1, Ivy began operating a service proprietorship with an initial cash investment of $1,000. The proprietorship provided $ ...
2015-04-09 15:04BEC memo题的题干一般会有两段话组成。首先,*9段话的内容是将client的背景信息介绍一下,会将client所向CPA询问的问题的背景信息详细的阐述一遍。对 ...
2015-04-09 15:042015年的USCPA(美国注册会计师)考试已经到来,1月份的考试窗口已经结束,2月份的则刚刚开始,为了帮助各位赴美参加USCPA考试的考生更好地备考及复习 ...
2015-04-09 15:04USCPA考点每日解析(英文版) 以下是高顿网校小编给您推荐的今日试题解析: Topic: independence Content: 考关于issuer的貌似少于5题,而且是不用 ...
2015-03-10 16:03春节已经过了大半了,各位学员要把心思放回2015年USCPA考试备考上哦,2月25日的练习题来啦! Which of the following instruments is subject to the ...
2015-02-15 16:02美国CPA考试2月20日练习题来咯,高顿网校小编提醒各位学员速速来做! Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CPA to not accept ...
2015-02-15 16:022月24日的USCPA(美国注册会计师)考试每日一题来啦,最近的练习题大家都有好好做吗? Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CP ...
2015-02-15 16:022月23日的USCPA(美国注册会计师)考试每日一题来啦,最近的练习题大家都有好好做吗? Under the Commercial Paper Article of the UCC, which of the ...
2015-02-15 16:02Under IFRS,which of the following is not disclosed for an entitys reportable segments? a.Segment profit or loss. b.Segment liabilities. c. ...
2015-02-15 16:02大年初三,美国CPA考试每天一道练习题给您拜年咯,高顿网校小编提醒各位学员速速来做! What information should a public company present about rev ...
2015-02-15 16:02USCPA考试2月16日每天一道练习题来啦,你做对了吗? Which of the following factors most likely would lead a CPA to conclude that a potential au ...
2015-02-15 15:02高顿网校USCPA责任小编在此奉上2月17日练习题如下,各位学员看过来哦! Opto Co.is a publicly-traded, consolidated enterprise reporting segment i ...
2015-02-15 15:02高顿网校小编先要祝各位学员新年快乐哦!然后在此奉上2月18日练习题!预祝各位考生在新的一年有个新开始,每天都快乐学习,迅速通过USCPA考试! When ...
2015-02-15 15:02即使今年是大年初一,各位学员也不能错过2月19日的练习题哦,你会做吗? Which of the following qualifies as a reportable segment? a.South Ameri ...
2015-02-15 15:02高顿网校小编今天乖乖奉上2月15日一道练习题如下,你一定要答对哦! A tax return preparer is subject to a penalty for knowingly or recklessly di ...
2015-02-13 17:02