  MA1 Question:
  Select the best answer for each of the following unrelated items. Answer each of these items in your examination booklet by giving the number of your choice. For example, if the best answer for item (a) is (1), write (a)(1) in your examination booklet. If more than one answer is given for an item, that item will not be marked. Incorrect answers will be marked as zero. Marks will not be awarded for explanations.
  3 marks each
  a. In the context of making a decision, which of the following statements regarding relevant costs is
  1) An opportunity cost is not a relevant cost.
  2) A traceable fixed cost cannot be a relevant cost.
  3) A variable cost cannot be a sunk cost.
  4) A sunk cost is not a relevant cost.
  b. Which of the following statements comparing accounting for costs using the weighted-average method versus the FIFO method is correct?
  1) The two methods will provide different results when the quantity of units completed and transferred out at the end of the period is equal to the quantity of units started and completed during the period.
  2) The two methods will provide different results in the first period of operations.
  3) The two methods will produce different results if all the units in the prior period are 100%
  complete with respect to direct materials and conversion costs.
  4) The two methods can provide different results if the quantity of units started in the prior period is more than the quantity of units started and completed in the prior period.
  c. Frozen Sweets Company produces two lines of frozen dessert: Chocolate and Vanilla. Analysis of the annual sales and profit performance for 2010 reveals the following:
  · The sales price variance for both products was unfavourable.
  · The market volume variance for both products was favourable.
  · The market share variance for each product is 0.
  Based on the above information, which of the following statements is incorrect?
  1) The actual price of each product was less than the corresponding budgeted price.
  2) The actual market sales for each product were greater than the budgeted market sales quantity for that product.
  3) The actual share of the market for each product was equal to the expected share of the market.
  4) The actual quantity of sales for each product was less than the anticipated volume of sales.
  d. TS Company produces two styles of t-shirts and is selling an equal number of each style. Sales of the product at current prices are limited only by capacity. The following data is available:

  Based on the above data, which of the following statements concerning the effect of changing the sales mix is correct?
  1) The company cannot make a higher total profit than what it is currently making.
  2) Increasing the number of units sold of 1 style while decreasing the number of units sold of the
  other style by an equal amount will change the total profit.
  3) Changing the mix so that the company sells $100 less of v-necks while maintaining sales of
  crewnecks will provide a higher profit than selling $100 less of crewnecks while maintaining sales of v-necks.
  4) It is not possible to determine which style is more profitable for the company.
  e. A company plans to sell 20,000 units at a price of $60 per unit. The cost to bring the product to market, including design and development, is $900,000. The desired return on investment (ROI) is 22.22222%. What target cost per unit must the company achieve to ensure it attains its desired ROI?
  1) $15
  2) $50
  3) $60
  4) $82
  f. The following entries summarize the transactions posted to the work-in-process account for the Slender Corporation for 2011:

  What is the cost of goods manufactured?
  1) $800,000
  2) $860,000
  3) $880,000
  4) $900,000
  g. An investment of $900,000 is made to purchase assets to operate a business. After 1 year of operations, the company reported sales of $1,200,000 on costs of $1,000,000. The company’s residual income at the end of 1 year was $2,000. What minimum required rate of return on investment has the company established?
  1) 0.167%
  2) 0.220%
  3) 2.200%
  4) 22%
  h. The following is a fragment of the lyric to the song “Inner City Blues,” written by Marvin Gaye:“Rockets, moon shots. Spend it, on the have-nots,” in which he suggests that the money for the space program be spent on helping the poor. Which is the most appropriate cost concept embodied by the lyric?
  1) Opportunity cost
  2) Sunk cost
  3) Prime cost
  4) Conversion cost
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