  The course enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled on the latest date possible. This allows for enough time prior to the course start date to establish Blackboard access for students registered in CGA Online courses.
  Exam enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled to allow the minimum required time period prior to exam week to set up examination procedures according to national standards.
  Requests for registration in courses or exams after the published deadline cannot be accepted.
  Please learn more about the Deadlines and Fees through the following linkes.
  宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大,位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常青藤盟校之一。创建于1740年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,也是美国*9所从事科学技术和人文教育的现代高等学校。独立宣言的9位签字者和美国宪法的11位签字者与该校有关。本杰明·富兰克林是学校的创建人。宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania 在艺术、人文、社会科学、建筑与工程教育上处于领先地位,其中最为知名的学科是商学、法学与医学。宾夕法尼亚大学是是美国大学协会的14所创始校之一,位于美国第五大城市费城。