Resource and Environment Networking Event, 11 December
  04 December 2013
  This event is an opportunity to meet actuaries with an interest in resource and environment issues, and to contribute to the development of the strategy of the Resource and Environment Board, recently launched by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA).
  It is intended for actuaries in all practice areas interested in the implications of resource constraints and environmental change, and how the IFoA should respond.
  Resource constraints and environmental change are affecting all practice areas and starting to create new areas of work for actuaries, for example in the implications of climate change for investors and insurers, and in energy modelling.
  At this event, topics for group discussion will include:
  potential research areas;
  cross practice initiatives;
  new areas of work;
  education; and
  external engagement.
  The meeting will be followed by networking over drinks. A briefing document will be available to delegates beforehand.
  This event is intended for actuaries in all practice areas interested in the implications of resource constraints and environmental change, and how the IFoA should respond.
  Visit our Events pages to book your place.