Changes to the CMI
  01 March 2013
  Key changes to the funding structure and publications of the CMI came into effect on 1 March 2013.
  All the CMI's existing publications, including the recently released CMI_2012 mortality projections model, remain in the open-access area of the website.  However new publications will be for registered users only.  Coming soon are new S2 pensions mortality tables from the SAPS Investigation and the latest results from the Life Office Mortality Investigation.
  A further change is the incorporation of the CMI into the Continuous Mortality Investigation Limited (or CMI Ltd), a company wholly owned by the Profession.  This does not affect the day-to-day operation of the CMI, or its not for profit status, which continues as before with the present structure of the committees.  This change has been made to provide clarity from the previously unincorporated structure.