Staple Inn Actuarial Society sundial unveiled
  28 February 2013
  The Profession is delighted to announce the unveiling of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society sundial, which marks SIAS's Centenary in 2010.
  SIAS SundialThe sundial was presented to the Profession at 12 noon on Thursday 28 February by SIAS Chairman, Martin Pike, and received by Philip Scott, President of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.  It is situated on the wall of Staple Inn Hall, facing out into the rose garden.
  Please come and see the sundial when you next visit Staple Inn: from the courtyard, walk through the covered passage way to the back of the Hall.  When you reach the garden, turn to your right and look up.
  The Profession is grateful to SIAS for this elegant addition to Staple Inn.
  Find out more about the sundial, including how to read both time and date, in the attached note by SIAS member Peter Tompkins FIA.