  The CAA is beneficial to a wide range of audiences such as school leavers, university leavers, those who are currently working and want to broaden their professional knowledge and experience, as well as those working in a technical role for an actuarial team. Testimonials from and case studies of candidates interested in taking the CAA can be found on our website.
  There are now just two weeks to go until registration closes for the first Module 0 exam session to be held from 4-15 August 2014. Don’t miss the opportunity to take the CAA entrance exam with the IFoA and take the first step towards an actuarial career. You can register for the exam here.
  You still have time to prepare and register for the entry test in August. Study material is available through external tuition and through the IFoA’s syllabus, resource guide and specimen exam paper. You may even be eligible to sit the exam at a reduced rate.
  If you have any questions about the CAA or the registration process, please contact caa@actuaries.org.uk or visit our webpages.
  04 July 2014
  高顿网校之名人哲理:为着阶级和民族的解放,为着党的事业的成功,我毫不希罕那华丽的大厦,却宁愿居住在卑陋潮湿的茅棚;不希罕美味的西餐大菜,宁愿吞嚼刺口的苞粟和菜根;不希罕舒服柔软的钢丝床,宁愿睡在猪栏狗巢似的住所。 —— 方志敏