  Pass lists were published on 27 June for the:
  CT subjects
  Certificate in Financial Mathematics. Subject CT1 sat by non-members
  Links to the lists are also on the exam results page.
  Pass lists have now been published for the
  CA1, ST and SA exams. Including the Fellowship, the Associateship, the Certificate in Finance and Investment and the Diploma in Actuarial Techniques
  Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary
  You do NOT need to login to view these lists.
  July 2014
  高顿网校之名人话语:他(罗曼罗兰)通过无形的音乐,说明人类伟大的东西不属于一个时代一个民族,它像一束神圣的火炬,超越时代的界线,从一个大师手里传到另一个大师手里而永远光芒四射,除非人类停止呼能吸,它才会熄灭。 —— 茨威格