  Retirement Benefits,
  Comprehensive Segment – U.S.
  Morning Session
  All Questions pertain to the Case Study
  3. (6 points) NOC’s Board of Directors has established the following funding policy for
  NOC’s DB ERPs: annual contributions equal to normal cost plus five-year amortization
  of unfunded actuarial accrued liability. The CFO of NOC is concerned about the
  volatility of funding policy contributions.
  (a) Explain the effects of different asset valuation methods on this volatility.
  (b) Explain the effects of different asset class allocations on this volatility.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -4- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Comprehensive Segment – U.S.
  Morning Session
  All Questions pertain to the Case Study
  4. (12 points) The law in Vosne has been changed to permit voluntary employee
  contributions of up to 5% of pay to a DC ERP. The tax treatment of these contributions
  is the same as for contributions to a PPA.
  NOC has decided to change the Full- Time Hourly Union Pension Plan from a flat dollar
  plan to a final average earnings plan, and to add a DC ERP for the union employees.
  The main provisions of the new plans are:
  Normal retirement benefit: 1% of final five-year average earnings
  times years of service
  Post retirement indexing: 3% per year
  Optional form of benefit: Lump Sum
  The other provisions of the plan are the same as those in the NOC Full-Time Hourly
  Union Pension Plan.
  Employee Contributions: Voluntary