  Afternoon Session
  All Questions pertain to the Case Study
  9. (15 points) NOC is purchasing a refinery from ABC Company, and will offer
  employment to all of the employees at the refinery. All refinery employees are members
  of the ABC Refinery Pension Plan and the ABC Refinery Post-Retirement Medical plan.
  There are no other members of these plans.
  You are given:
  Provisions of the ABC Refinery Plans
  The ABC Refinery Pension Plan provisions are as follows:
  ?  Normal Retirement Age: Age 65
  ?  Early Retirement Age: Age 60
  ?  Normal Retirement Benefit: 1.75% of final earnings times years of service
  ?  Early Retirement Reduction: Actuarially equivalent
  ?  Normal Form of Benefit: If married, 50% joint & survivor, without
  reduction. If not married, single life annuity
  ?  Post-Retirement Indexing: Lesser of 1% or CPI
  ?  Termination and Pre-Retirement Death Benefits: Lump sum value of the
  accrued benefit, excluding indexation.
  The ABC Refinery Post-Retirement Medical Plan provisions are exactly the same
  as NOC’s.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2003 -10- GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Retirement Benefits,
  Comprehensive Segment – U.S.
  Afternoon Session
  All Questions pertain to the Case Study
  9. Continued
  January 1, 2003 Membership Data – ABC Refinery Plans