  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 1 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  Questions 1-4 pertain to the Case Study
  1. (6 points)
  (a) Assess the consistency of the definition of a derivative in LifeCo’s operational
  guidelines with the definition under US GAAP.
  (b) Describe how LifeCo’s Derivative Policy addresses operational and legal risks.
  (c) Recommend additional controls to better address these risks.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 2 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  Questions 1-4 pertain to the Case Study
  2. (5 points) A new actuarial student at LifeCo is very excited about the "profit" your
  portfolio is generating with MBS. He views "profit" on an MBS bond as the difference
  between OAS and the liability required interest spread over Treasuries.
  (a) Explain why "profit" may not equal the difference between OAS and the required
  interest spread with a Jump Z-bond.
  (b) Explain why "profit" may not equal the difference between OAS and the required
  interest spread for more general securities.
  The student recommends that LifeCo could be more profitable and better durationmatched
  by replacing the current MBS within the Traditional Life portfolio with Zbonds.
  Z-bonds, the student argues, have a higher OAS, higher duration, and lower
  convexity than the current MBS.
  (c) Evaluate this recommendation.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 3 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  Questions 1-4 pertain to the Case Study
  3. (13 points) LifeCo’s management is concerned by the losses arising from the dynamic
  hedging of the options embedded in its variable annuities. An external report highlighted
  that the target delta is currently based on a lognormal distribution with the volatility equal
  to the sample standard deviation of the fund investment return over the past 12 months.
  (a) Describe the options embedded in the variable annuity product.
  (b) Describe and compare the following models used to estimate the volatility from
  past data
  (i) sample standard deviation
  (ii) exponentially weighted moving average model
  (iii) generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity
  (c) Recommend ways to improve the dynamic hedging program.
  (d) Describe strategies that can be used to minimize the model risk.
  LifeCo is considering whether to continue its current dynamic hedging program or pursue
  another risk management strategy.
  (e) Review alternative strategies for managing the embedded option exposure.
  (f) Recommend which of these strategies would be most appropriate if the dynamic
  hedging strategy is discontinued. Justify your recommendation.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 4 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  Questions 1-4 pertain to the Case Study
  4. (10 points) You have recently been promoted to Chief ALM Officer at LifeCo. The
  CEO has called a meeting with you and the pricing actuary to discuss the launch of a new
  universal life product.
  (a) (2 points) The CEO, an accountant by training, emphasizes the importance of
  statutory and GAAP measures to determine the economic value of the insurer.
  Critique this standpoint.
  (b) (4 points) Explain how to coordinate LifeCo’s investment and product
  management strategies for future retentions for this new product to protect
  LifeCo’s shareholder value from interest rate risk.
  (c) (1 point) The pricing actuary expects to increase future credited rates as interest
  rates rise. Explain how LifeCo’s investment strategy should be adjusted to
  protect shareholder value from interest rate risk.
  (d) (1 point) LifeCo’s key competitors keep credited rates unchanged regardless of
  changes in interest rates. Assess how their approach could affect your strategy in
  part (c).
  (e) (2 points) Propose a method for LifeCo to implement the changes in parts (c) and
  (d) that would minimize transaction costs.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 5 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session