  5. (7 points) The table below has the 10 largest capital requirements at issue from 100
  scenarios for a variable annuity with a GMDB of a return of premium. Requirements are
  given for the real world and risk-neutral approaches. A negative value indicates a
  World -0.35% -0.30% -0.25% -0.10% -0.10% -0.10% -0.10% 0.40% 1.10% 2.70%
  Neutral -0.30% -0.28% -0.26% -0.24% -0.21% -0.17% -0.10% 0.00% 0.20% 0.40%
  Based on this data, the CEO suggests allocating capital based on the real world approach
  at a quantile of 91% but if the market performs poorly to switch to the risk-neutral
  approach with a CTE at 95%.
  (a) Define the quantile risk measure.
  (b) Calculate the 91% and 95% quantile measures for each approach.
  (c) Define the CTE risk measure.
  (d) Calculate the 91% and 95% CTE measures for each approach.
  (e) Calculate the standard error for a 64% confidence interval for the 95% quantile
  risk measure under the actuarial approach.
  (f) Appraise the CEO’s suggested mix strategy
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 6 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  6. (4 points) You have been given the following assumptions for one of AnnuityCo’s fixedincome
  asset portfolios:
  Obligor (A) Loss Given
  Expected Loss
  Over the Next Year
  1 165,000 660
  2 235,000 940
  3 700,000 1,050
  4 900,000 1,800
  Total 2,000,000 -
  Unit of exposure for banding L = 100,000
  One-year risk-free rate r = 3%
  (a) Using the Actuarial Approach (CreditRisk+) to measuring credit risk, calculate
  the probability that the loss occurring over the next year is 300,000 or less.
  (b) A colleague has suggested that the CreditRisk+ approach avoids the limitations of
  the CreditMetrics and KMV approaches. Evaluate this comment.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 7 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  7. (4 points) You are on assignment with the portfolio management team that has been
  investing in equities primarily in the USA. The team is interested in implementing an
  expanded international equity strategy.
  Identify the issues you should consider prior to investing in countries or markets with
  which you are not familiar.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 8 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Morning Session
  8. (6 points) You are given the following securities for a 1-year period:
  Security Price Payoff in
  “Up” State
  Payoff in
  “Down” State
  A 1 1.5 0.7
  B 15/11 2 1
  C ? 1.8 0.85
  Calculate the price of Security C.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 9 - STOP
  Morning Session
  9. (5 points) CMP Life’s marketing group is introducing a new product that allows the
  policyholder to allocate premiums between an accumulation fund and a payout annuity.
  Premium inflow $20 million per month
  Accumulation fund 35% investment grade convertible bonds
  65% investment grade corporate bonds
  Payout annuity 20 year certain, level payments
  (a) List the assumptions you would need from the pricing actuaries to help you
  construct investment guidelines for the investment managers.
  (b) Describe the information you will provide to the investment managers on an ongoing
  (c) Explain whether a benchmark of the universe of all convertible securities
  (including both investment and non-investment grade) would be appropriate for
  the accumulation portion of the portfolio.
  (d) Describe the considerations you would have to make when instructing the asset
  managers if CMP Life stops selling this product after 10 years and there are no
  additional premiums.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2005 - 1 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Afternoon Session
  Beginning With Question 10