  8. (5 points) LMN Company employees currently utilize two different networks. Both
  networks use the same pharmacy benefits manager, and detailed pharmacy claims data
  are available. Network A has additional detailed health claims information. The per
  capita claims cost for Network A is twice as high as in Network B. You have been asked
  to determine if the higher costs are caused by differences in the enrollee health status.
  (a) Describe criteria used for health risk classification.
  (b) Describe risk assessment models currently available.
  (c) Recommend a risk assessment method for LMN Company.
  9. (7 points) You are an actuary who recently accepted a non-traditional role as claims
  manager for a health carrier. You are concerned about the new inventory standards, as
  measured by turn-around time (TAT) and their impact on quality. Additionally, you are
  concerned about common claims problems and the lack of documented procedures and
  guideline for working with other departments.
  (a) Regarding TAT:
  i. Define TAT.
  ii. Describe considerations used when establishing TAT goals.
  iii. Describe the tools used for tracking and monitoring TATs.
  (b) Regarding quality:
  i. Define the measures of claim quality.
  ii. List the steps of claim quality review process.
  iii. Describe the major issues to consider when performing a quality audit.
  (c) Describe common claims and benefit administration problems.
  (d) List the items requiring procedures and guidelines for coordination of the claim
  department with the following departments:
  i. Enrollment and billing
  ii. Provider relations
  iii. Utilization management
  iv. Member services
  v. Finance
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 7 - STOP
  Health, Group Life & Managed Care
  Morning Session
  10. (4 points) As a result of the new Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and
  Modernization Act of 2003 it may be necessary for a plan sponsor to perform an actuarial
  valuation to determine actuarial equivalence between the sponsor’s plan with the basic
  Medicare benefit.
  Assume that costs over age 65 for the sponsor’s plan are $1,500 per year and plan costs,
  on the average, increase by 3% per year above 65. Assume that the demographics are as
  Age Group Number
  65 to 69 200
  70 to 74 400
  75 to 79 300
  80 to 84 100
  Total 1,000
  (a) Outline the assumptions needed to perform an actuarial valuation of the sponsor’s
  (b) Develop the sponsor’s plan costs by age group.
  (c) Describe the financial impact to the plan sponsor of the three possible outcomes
  when determining actuarial equivalence.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 8 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Beginning With Question 11
  11. (4 points)
  (a) Describe the types of claim liabilities and reserves. For each, provide an example
  of an event which would require such a liability or reserves to be established.
  (b) Describe common methods used to estimate claim reserves.
  12. (6 points) Company XYZ management has decided it is time to invest resources into
  developing better reporting and analytical systems.
  (a) (2 points) Describe ways data compiled in the claim adjudication process can be
  used for reporting and analysis.
  (b) (3 points) Compare and contrast types of data structures and physical media used
  to store data in computer systems.
  (c) (1 point) Describe considerations when choosing a data structure and storage
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 9 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session