  13. (5 points) You are the CFO of a start-up insurance company. You are in the process of
  determining your minimum required surplus and designing a system for measuring
  capital, profit, and growth.
  (a) Describe the insurance risks that should be considered when setting minimum
  surplus requirements.
  (b) Discuss the necessary considerations when designing a system for measuring
  capital, profit, and growth.
  (c) Discuss and illustrate with formulas how capital, profit, and growth inter-relate.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 10 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session
  14. (5 points) Paul and Leslie, who are both in their 30’s, were recently married and are
  meeting with an agent to discuss their financial plans.
  Paul works on contract as a motivational speaker and has no employee benefits. He earns
  $50,000 a year. Leslie works for a financial institution which has a flexible benefits plan
  including STD and LTD. Leslie earns a base salary of $50,000 per year and earned a
  bonus of $5,000 last year.
  Paul is considering the following disability plan:
  Type: Individual Disability Income
  Waiting Period: 30 days
  Definition of Disability: Own occupation to 65
  Benefit Amount: $2500 per month
  Benefit Term: 5 years
  Leslie is currently enrolled in the following option in the flex plan:
  Type: LTD STD
  Elimination Period: 4 months
  Definition of Disability: 2 Year Own Occupation,
  then Any Occupation to 65
  Benefit Amount: 60% of salary 100% of salary for 2
  months, 75% of salary
  Funded: 100% Employee paid
  Indexing: 3% per annum on disability
  (a) Compare and contrast the underwriting criteria used for individual and group
  disability policies.
  (b) Describe how these criteria would apply specifically to Paul and Leslie.
  (c) Describe how benefits would be determined and calculate Paul and Leslie’s
  cashflow if they were both injured in a car accident and were unable to work for 5
  years. Show your work.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 11 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session
  15. (6 points) You are a consulting actuary for the Health Insurance Company of
  Unaffiliated Providers (HICUP). The Chief Actuary of HICUP is considering entry into
  the Medicare Plus Choice (M+C) market in their area and approached you for advice.
  They want to offer M+C coverage in Golden Years County where over 70% of residents
  are of retirement age. There are already two other companies offering M+C policies in
  this area. Since HICUP does not have experience in the M+C market, you have been
  asked to prepare a report to discuss requirements of entry into this market. You have
  explained that Medicare Plus Choice is now known as Medicare Advantage and HCFA is
  now known as CMS. Although there will be further changes in the program, you have
  based your initial report on the 2004 rules.
  (a) Outline and provide details of specific rules required by legislation to enter into a
  M+C contract and decisions HICUP will need to make at entry.
  (b) Contrast other product options available to HICUP for the senior population and
  their advantages and disadvantages.
  (c) Outline the CMS M+C filing process and payment mechanism with sufficient
  details for the Chief Actuary to make a presentation to HICUP’s Board.
  16. (5 points) You are a consulting actuary to ABC HMO. The CEO has asked you to
  provide a report on changes in approaches to addressing behavioral health benefits
  provided by managed care plans.
  (a) Discuss emerging strategic approaches to managing behavioral health benefits.
  (b) Outline strategies MCOs are using to improve clinical outcomes.
  (c) Describe utilization review and case management techniques consistent with these
  (d) Discuss considerations you would make to determine whether a capitated
  arrangement to a behavioral health specialty group is appropriate for their
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 12 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 17 – 19 pertain to the Case Study
  17. (5 points) The PCPs of IPA 3 are considering joining IPA 1.
  (a) Discuss reimbursement structures for PCPs and advantages and disadvantages of
  each from the PCP’s perspective.
  (b) Discuss advantages and disadvantages for IPA 3 PCPs in joining IPA 1 and
  recommend actions IPA3 PCPs could take to address the disadvantages.
  (c) Discuss advantages and disadvantages from the Bedford Group’s perspective of
  the potential shift of IPA 3 PCPs to IPA 1.
  COURSE 8: Fall 2004 - 13 - GO TO NEXT PAGE
  Managed Care Segment
  Afternoon Session
  Questions 17 – 19 pertain to the Case Study