Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 2
26.【答案】[C]reassess the necessity of college education
【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词GenerationZ和should定位到第一段①句(其中should对应need to):As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their optionsit may be worth considering just how the point,purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Zneed to consider as they start the third stage of their educational journey(当最新一批学生填写本科申请表并权衡他们的选择时,或许值得思考的是学位的意义、目的和价值发生了怎样的变化,以及Z世代在开启他们教育旅程的第三阶段时需要考虑什么)。c项reassess the necessity of college education(重新审视大学教育的必要性)是对①句内容的适度推断,其中college education(大学教育)对应degree(大学学位)。所以本题选C。
27.【答案】[B]the shrinking value of a degree
【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词The percentageof UK graduates和non-qraduate roles定位到第二段⑤句:Today28 per cent of graduates in the UKare in non-graduate roles,a percentage which is double the average among OECD countries(如今,英国有28%的大学毕业生从事非大学毕业生的工作,这一比例是经合组织国家平均水平的两倍)。本句无法解题,根据定位句中的数字“28percent”可知,该句为论据,且该句位于段尾,所以需要往上文寻找论点解题。再找到前文的论点:As degrees became universal,they became d*ued随着大学学位变得普遍,它们也贬值了)。B项the shrinking value ofa degree(大学学位的贬值)是对③句的同义替换,其中shrinking value对应d*ued,degree为原词复现。所以本题选B。
28.【答案】[C]employers are taking a realistic attitude to degrees
【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词agoodsign定位到第四段①句(其中good对应原文的Thankfully):Thankfully,there are signs that this is already happening(值得庆幸的是,有迹象表明这种情况已经发生了)。该句无法解题,需继续看下文。结合②句Emplovers have long seen the advantages of hiring school leavers who often prove themselves to be more committed and loyal employees than graduates(雇主早就看到了雇用中学毕业生的好处,因为中学毕业生经常证明他们是比大学毕业生更尽职、更忠诚的员工)和③句Many too are seeing the advantages of scrapping a degree requirement for certain roles(许多雇主也逐渐意识到取消某些岗位对学位的要求所带来的好处)可知,雇主对待大学学位的态度发生转变,C项employers are taking arealistic attitudeto degrees(雇主对大学学位采取现实的态度)是对②句和③句内容的概括总结。所以本题选C。
29.【答案】[D]further their studies in a specific field
【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Paragraph5和thosewithone degree定位到第五段④句:When more and more of us have a degree it makes sense to have two(当我们中越来越多的人拥有学位时,拥有两个学位是明智的),结合②句it pays to have specific knowledge or skills(拥有特定的知识或技能是值得的)可知,作者建议有一个学位
的人在特定领域继续进修深造。D项further their studies in a specific field(在特定领域继续进修深造)是对②句和④句的概括总结。所以本题选D。
30.【答案】[A]Lifelong learning will define them.
【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词GenerationZ和the last two paragraph 定位到第六段①句:they will need to be constantly up-skilling throughout their career to stay emplovable(他们需要在整个职业生涯中不断提升技能,以保持就业能力),结合③句Education,and not just knowledge gained on campus,will be a core part of Generation Z’s career traiectory(教育以及不仅仅是在校园里获得的知识,将成为Z世代职业轨迹的核心部分)可知,Z世代将终身学习。A项Lifelong learning will define them(终身学习将是他们的特征)是对①句和③句的概括总结。所以本题选A。